View Full Version : MLEADER line spacing???

2008-03-27, 06:24 PM
Just discovered how useful MLEADER is...(old habits are hard to break!)

How can I control the line spacing of the MTEXT entry in the mleader? The setvar TSPACEFAC works correctly for standard MTEXT, but the MLEADER text entry doesn't obey the setvar...it defaults to 1.0. Yes...I can change the MLEADER line spacing after entry through PROPERTIES...but what a pain.

Any thoughts?


2008-03-28, 11:46 AM
Just discovered how useful MLEADER is...(old habits are hard to break!)

How can I control the line spacing of the MTEXT entry in the mleader? The setvar TSPACEFAC works correctly for standard MTEXT, but the MLEADER text entry doesn't obey the setvar...it defaults to 1.0. Yes...I can change the MLEADER line spacing after entry through PROPERTIES...but what a pain.

Any thoughts?

so how is that any different than regular leaders? I have just accepted the fact that if is unlikely that it will ever be fixed. besides we cant use MLEADER until Autodesk fixes the multileaderalign command.

2008-03-28, 01:27 PM
I love mleaders. I think you can create an mleader style in a blank drawing just the way you want it, layer, properteies, etc. Then drag it to you tool pallete and create a new tool. When you use it, it should keep all the properties that were originally set.

2017-08-26, 01:32 AM
I realize this is an old thread but I couldn't find what I was looking for. All of the work-around options I could find mentioned involved complicated code edits and whatnot. I finally found a simple solution so I thought I would share it. If this has already been covered, maybe it needs to be again because I couldn't find it.

1) Create an MLEADER object in your drawing template.
2) Use the properties editor to manually change this one example to the desired line spacing(or any other property). In my case, I used 0.7 line spacing
3) Select the MLEADER object you created(and nothing else!) then right-click anywhere in the drawing area. You get a different context menu if the MLEADER object, and ONLY the MLEADER object, is selected BEFORE you right-click.
4) In the context menu, hover on "Multileader Style" to open the fly-out.
5) Select "Save as New Multileader Style"
6) Either select an existing style to change it or type a different name to create a new style.

As simple as that, I have effected the long-term change without a bunch of complicated code writing. :)

If this helps anyone, I would love to hear about it. If this information is widely available but I'm too dense to find it, I'd appreciate hearing about that as well but please be kind.
FYI, I'm using AutoCAD 2016

2017-08-28, 08:50 AM
Congratulations on your first post!
I thought you had struck gold. Unfortunately, your tip didn't work when I tested it in LT 2018. The Mleader defaulted line spacing back to 1.
Even in the template, if I create a second Mleader object, it reverts back to 1. Using ADDSELECTED will also not honour the linespacing of the Mleader object.
I tend to copy the first Mleader object, or use MATCHPROP to apply the properties afterwards (although this can muck up the text box widths.
I added a entry to the wish-list in 2015 ( http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?160494-Mleader-text-line-spacing-to-honour-TSPACEFAC-value ), but it's gone nowhere so far.

2017-08-28, 03:12 PM
Congratulations on your first post!
I thought you had struck gold. Unfortunately, your tip didn't work when I tested it in LT 2018. The Mleader defaulted line spacing back to 1.
Even in the template, if I create a second Mleader object, it reverts back to 1. Using ADDSELECTED will also not honour the linespacing of the Mleader object.
I tend to copy the first Mleader object, or use MATCHPROP to apply the properties afterwards (although this can muck up the text box widths.
I added a entry to the wish-list in 2015 ( http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?160494-Mleader-text-line-spacing-to-honour-TSPACEFAC-value ), but it's gone nowhere so far.

Well, I'll be a...

You are absolutely right. I have played with several variations and it doesn't actually work. It was late and I guess I didn't fully test it. It would seam that while the Mleader object definition tables contain data for "line space factor" and "line space distance", the Mleaderstyle tables don't bother to store this data even when created from an object that has it defined. What a disappointment. :(