View Full Version : Beam Sweep

2008-03-28, 01:43 AM
Does anyone know how the steel beam sweep works in w-flange family. I looks like a sweep in loaded into a the family, but I can't for the life of me figure out how the sweep flexes. It's not locked to the reference planes, but you will still flex with the changing of the parameters. It's like the parameters are nested, but I couldn't figure out how the nest parameters with a profile. If anyone has any thought I would be greatly appreciative. I am trying to create a built up beam family with side plates and want to be able to utilize the rotation parameter and seems like the only way to do this is through a sweep profile.

Andre Carvalho
2008-03-28, 03:17 AM
The W Flange family uses a nested profile. While editing the beam family, if you go to the family's project browser / (+) Families / (+) Profiles, you'll see the profiles that are loaded into the W-Flange family. If you select one of them and go to its properties, you will notice that the nested parameters are linked with parameters on the parent W-Flange family. To do that, you have to select the small box beside each profile parameter and chose one of the parent W-Flange parameters from the list. If you want to edit the profile, you can right click it and select edit. You will open the profile and can add, remove parameters. Or you can create your own profile family and add parameters to it and then load it to the W-Flange beam family and make sure you link the its parameters with the parent parameters.

Andre Carvalho

2008-03-28, 05:15 PM
Thanks that was exactly what I was looking for.