View Full Version : Visibility Parameter with Annotation Symbols?

2008-03-28, 05:58 PM
I have used visi. parameters inside of families that do not have annotation symbols before no problem.

I cannot get the different anno. symbols to turn on/off in different part types in this family.

I have a large number of simple families with different anno. symbols I want to compile.


2008-03-31, 01:31 PM
Can anyone help?

2008-03-31, 02:25 PM
You may want to just tag it. The label is going to get flipped around funny on north and west walls. (north being up)

Andre Carvalho
2008-03-31, 02:33 PM
Can anyone help?

I tried to look at your file over the weekend but I couldn't see where the problem is. I'm sorry. Can you be more specific on what do you want your family to do and where the problem is right now?

Andre Carvalho

2008-03-31, 02:45 PM
"I cannot get the different anno. symbols to turn on/off in different part types in this family."

I want to use the visibility parameter to turn on/off Annotation Symbols in this family when I switch part types.

Here is a .jpg of all the top view Anno Symbols that will be in this family. If they were the same it would be no problem.

I can always draw the top view anno symbol into the family and use the visibility para. to turn them off/on.

2008-03-31, 04:04 PM
Your "Visible" parameter seems to work here for the symbol with the E next to it.

If you want to add the other's, try this.

Set up a visibility parameter for each type, i.e. duplex, gfi, etc. Make them instance parameters.

Then assign the parameter to each symbol as you did via the symbol's property dialog.

You'll then have a list of visibility parameters to choose from...

Possibly a better way would be this:

Set up the parameters as above, only as type parameters.

Assign them to each symbol, as above.

Then within the family create a new family type for each type of outlet, and turn on/off the relevant parameters for each type.

Then when you save and load the family, when placing it, you'd select the type you prefer.


Andre Carvalho
2008-03-31, 04:54 PM
Your "Visible" parameter seems to work here for the symbol with the E next to it.

That's why I said that I couldn't find any problem with the family. It is working with the "E"annotation.

Anyway, just do the same to the other annotations as hth described above.

Andre Carvalho

2008-03-31, 05:14 PM
Your "Visible" parameter seems to work here for the symbol with the E next to it.

If you want to add the other's, try this.

Set up a visibility parameter for each type, i.e. duplex, gfi, etc. Make them instance parameters.

Then assign the parameter to each symbol as you did via the symbol's property dialog.

You'll then have a list of visibility parameters to choose from...

Possibly a better way would be this:

Set up the parameters as above, only as type parameters.

Assign them to each symbol, as above.

Then within the family create a new family type for each type of outlet, and turn on/off the relevant parameters for each type.

Then when you save and load the family, when placing it, you'd select the type you prefer.


Yes! That worked great! Why didnt I think of that, so simple yet so effective.

Thanks Again....