View Full Version : CAD Self-Evaluation Form

2008-04-03, 02:13 PM
Good morning! I have recently been appointed to the position of CAD Manager with our firm. I am wanting to start holding lunch-n-learns for our various CAD programs. However, I am unsure of everyones knowledge level. I'm currently working on a CAD Self-Evaluation Form to have all users complete in order to better determine the needs for training. I want to keep the form short, but informative for me. If anyone has suggestions as to what type of questions to ask, please feel free to post. I greatly appreciate your imput. Thanks!

2008-04-04, 07:38 AM
Good morning! I have recently been appointed to the position of CAD Manager with our firm. I am wanting to start holding lunch-n-learns for our various CAD programs. However, I am unsure of everyones knowledge level. I'm currently working on a CAD Self-Evaluation Form to have all users complete in order to better determine the needs for training. I want to keep the form short, but informative for me. If anyone has suggestions as to what type of questions to ask, please feel free to post. I greatly appreciate your imput. Thanks!

I have recently sent out a short form to assess knowledge with in our team, although the areas covered by my questions are probably much less than yours.
I have been tasked with training the company on various 3D aspects of AutoCAD which suit our needs. Prior to doing this I want to know where everyone thinks their skills are.

I asked staff to rate themselves from 1-5 in the following sectors.
3D Topo
2D Elevations/sections/plans from Cloudworx
3D Wireframe
3D Wireframe from Cloudworx
3D Surface/Solid Model

I also gave clear definitions of what each rating meant.
1 No experience Have never performed this type of drawing
2 Limited knowledge Have awareness of this aspect but little or no experience
3 Beginner Worked on projects of this type a few times and have a reasonable grasp of what is required
4 Competent Experienced, could carry out drawing unsupervised and would expect minimal errors in my work but might need help with complex areas of survey on occasion and realise there might be more techniques that I could possibly use
5 Expert Very experienced, would expect to make very few errors even with complex areas of survey

This was short and sweet and I have been suprised at aprox a 75% return from staff with in the first 2-3 days.

2008-04-04, 05:34 PM
Are your lunch and learns going to be mandatory? And if so will the employees be compensated with pay for the hour?
