View Full Version : Demo treads only?

2008-04-07, 12:55 PM
Is it possible to only demolish the treads of a stair, and not the entire assembly? We are working on a project now where only the treads are being removed and replaced. Any ideas how you would approach this?

2008-04-07, 01:09 PM
No you can't do it unless you make an in-place family of the existing treads and demolish that.

Would I do it that way? Nope. I would indicate it with a note on the demolition plan, and show it in one or two detail views.

Andre Carvalho
2008-04-07, 01:26 PM
Is it possible to only demolish the treads of a stair, and not the entire assembly? We are working on a project now where only the treads are being removed and replaced. Any ideas how you would approach this?

If it is a monolithic stair with treads, you could copy the original stair and paste it at the same place. You could then edit the original and get rid of the treads (changing its thickness to 0) and then edit the copy of the stair and get rid of everything but the treads. You would have the treads alone to be demolished.

Andre Carvalho