View Full Version : Roof footprint and extrusions

2008-04-07, 08:20 PM
Hey all,

Is it possible to join a roof made by extrusion to a sloped roof created by footprint?
I am trying to make an eyebrow dormer, but when I try to join the roof edges so the dormer will extend to and connect with a sloped roof I only get errors saying they cannot be joined. Am I trying to do something that is not possible?


2008-04-07, 08:24 PM
Yes it is possible, as I have that very condition on my current project I'm working on.

Now I can't say exactly what conditions will make it work or not work, but in general, try to keep the roof you're joining separate from the main roof, i.e. not touching at all. For my current project, that meant I had to make the extruded arch roof for the eyebrow dormer only 3/4" thick, and then I was able to join the rear edge of the arch portion to the face of the main hipped roof.

I also made a dormer opening to cut out the portion of the hipped roof underneath the eyebrow dormer.

2008-04-07, 11:04 PM
thanks, pulling the extrusion away from the main roof worked. But when I dragged the end that was still outside of the main roof edge, to the same as the main roof fascia, the two roofs unjoined. I ended up leaving a very small overlap. I think that is totally annoying as I should not have to do that- argh. Thanks again, though. I think I can make it work.