View Full Version : Hmm, Grouped Room and Phases, must be missing something here?

2008-04-07, 10:57 PM
Say, when I take a room that I want to duplicate and modify many, many times, first thing that comes to mind is grouping, no problem here. So I start my grouping, Aaron gave me a tip on the detail grouping (thanks Aaron), but the problem I'm seeing is this, say I want 10 rooms, 5 are in the "New Construction" phase as groups, now lets say I want the other 5 grouped rooms to be in a future phase, no big deal, I can associate these 5 rooms with the future phase.

Seems simple and straight forward right?

Well, the problem I'm having is when I try to make a group edit modification to one of the groups in either "New Construction" or "Future" phase, it seems like a get a warning message everytime I make an adjustment . For example, if I add a new door to one of the grouped rooms in the "New Construction" , it will add it to the grouped rooms in the "future" phase but will keep the new door as "new construction" and not move the door to the future phase for the future rooms.

What I need to be able to do is make a change in any group, be it "New Construction" or "Future" phase, and have the modification assciate itself with the respective phase.

I'll need to experiment more on this but hopefully you see what I mean, any guidance with troubleshooting this would be helpful.

2008-04-08, 12:30 PM
I think you're going to find that once the group is placed, all items within it will assume the phase that the view is set to, no matter what their phase within the group before placement.