View Full Version : Ability To Change Pen Size Of Sectional Hatching.

2008-04-08, 03:56 PM
Currently when you cut a section through an element, concrete for example, the hatching adpots the same pen thickness as the material it's cutting. It would be useful if the hatching could have it's own set of parameters that you can change the pen thickness seperate to element. For example, on a 1:20 detail I would usually only have hatching on a 0.18mm thick pen (as light as can go without it become half tone), but the cut lines shown as 0.35mm pen.

Andre Carvalho
2008-04-08, 04:03 PM
Currently when you cut a section through an element, concrete for example, the hatching adpots the same pen thickness as the material it's cutting. It would be useful if the hatching could have it's own set of parameters that you can change the pen thickness seperate to element. For example, on a 1:20 detail I would usually only have hatching on a 0.18mm thick pen (as light as can go without it become half tone), but the cut lines shown as 0.35mm pen.

I'sorry, but I can't reproduce what you are saying. If I cut a concrete wall at scale 1:20 there's a considerably difference in line weights between the edge of the wall and the concrete pattern itself. Or maybe I'm not understanding where the problem is...

Andre Carvalho

2008-04-08, 07:22 PM
What is your Revit pen 1 set to? Revit uses Pen 1 as its lineweight for hatch. For that reason I recommend using pens 2-16 for typical drafting and reserving pen 1 for your prefered hatch setting.

2008-04-10, 08:10 AM
Feeback is appreciated.

You are right, there is a difference between the actual cut lines and the hatch pattern that fills the element (for my own personal taste I would like to lighten it).

What I would be intrested in seeing is a variable within Revit that gives me the freedom to over-ride the hatch with regards to it's pen size and be able to set hatching pen size. From what I can see you cannot do that right now? or am I missing something?


Andre Carvalho
2008-04-10, 01:10 PM
Feeback is appreciated.

You are right, there is a difference between the actual cut lines and the hatch pattern that fills the element (for my own personal taste I would like to lighten it).

What I would be intrested in seeing is a variable within Revit that gives me the freedom to over-ride the hatch with regards to it's pen size and be able to set hatching pen size. From what I can see you cannot do that right now? or am I missing something?


Why don't you just edit the material and set lighter colors to the hatch patterns?

See attached

Andre Carvalho

2008-04-11, 07:50 AM
Andre, I did not even think of that, with having a lighter colour, that doesn't mean that when you print that element it will come in lighter?

I'll test it out see what I come up with, thanks for the input.

Andre Carvalho
2008-04-11, 03:23 PM
Andre, I did not even think of that, with having a lighter colour, that doesn't mean that when you print that element it will come in lighter?

I'll test it out see what I come up with, thanks for the input.

If you print it in grayscale or shades of gray rather than black & white, it should work.

Andre Carvalho

2008-04-11, 03:38 PM
Thank you.