View Full Version : 3D Zoom wheel seizures!!!!!

2008-04-10, 01:56 PM
I have a problem when I'm viewing the model in 3D if I use the mouse wheel to zoom in or out, it will freak out and either scroll up and down or zoom in and out in huge leaps. There doesn't seem to be any reason or warning for when it happens. It work fine and then BOOM...the zoom won't work.

If I close the 3D view and open it again, it fixes it sometimes. There are other times that I have to close out of Revit completely and restart the program.

Does anyone have any ideas or are you experiencing this too? Is it a conflict with the scroll bars at the bottom and side?

I use the mouse wheel to pan and zoom as I did in AutoCAD and would like to continue to do so.

Please help!!


Andre Carvalho
2008-04-10, 02:07 PM
Have you tried using another mouse on your computer or this mouse on another computer?
Or do you know if the mouse driver you are using is the one for your mouse? If yes, check the mouse driver properties to check the scroll wheel configuration.

Andre Carvalho

2008-04-10, 03:11 PM
I sometimes have this problem. A fairly consistent way of triggering it is to be holding shift and Middle mouse to Orbit, and scrolling thwheel at the same time. This locks the scroll wheel behaviour to 'up-down' instead of zoom, and you have to close and reopen the view.

Gadget Man
2008-04-11, 09:57 AM
The easiest work-around to fix it is to delete the 3-D view and than open it again using the 3-D icon on the top tool bar. It takes only 10 seconds max. but unfortunately it doesn't always open in the same mode it was opened before (may open in the "hidden lines" mode instead of "shaded view"). A pain in the bottom part but RAC 2009 is not that far away...