View Full Version : Automatic Save

2004-09-06, 02:18 PM
I have set up 5 minutes for outosave and ac$ for the location but can't locate the saved drawing file.

2004-09-06, 02:50 PM

Check out the following thread -

Question about autosave (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=4232&highlight=Autosave)

Have a good one, Mike

2004-09-09, 02:47 PM
A brief explanation........

AutoCAD assumes that if you edit a drawing you will manually save that drawing before exiting AutoCAD.

AutoCAD retains automatic file saves (ac$ / SV$ files in for example C:\Temp) for as long as a session of AutoCAD is open or if AutoCAD terminates abnormally (i.e. a crash).

On exiting AutoCAD normally without saving a drawing manually, AutoCAD will strip out the ac$ files from C:\Temp as it assumes you do not want the edited changes saved (you have, after all just told the programme that this is the case).

This is a change in functionality between AutoCAD 2000i and AutoCAD R14 and is correct behaviour.

It means that the autosaves are now only performed to protect the user from computer problems and that they are not to be used as backup copies.

2004-09-10, 03:14 PM
AutoCAD/ADT crashed yesterday. I had not saved for 3 1/2 hours. Crash occurred when I tried to modify the shape of a copy of a hatch. When I went through "recover" I gave me back the status saved earlier. Is there any way to recover the work using the more recent ac$ file?
Sam Harrison

2004-09-10, 03:30 PM
AutoCAD/ADT crashed yesterday. I had not saved for 3 1/2 hours. Crash occurred when I tried to modify the shape of a copy of a hatch. When I went through "recover" I gave me back the status saved earlier. Is there any way to recover the work using the more recent ac$ file?
Sam Harrison
The sv$ is the autosaved file. If you rename that to a dwg extension, you will be able to open it.

2004-09-11, 01:21 AM
Any idea why Autodesk made it so difficult to get to autosave drawings? Is there a good reason Autocad is not capable of continuing with an autosave version, the way MS Word does? And why make it so you have to go through all these file-management headaches to use autosaves?

Has anyone tried writing a Lisp or VBA routine that can check for an autosave version of a drawing at startup, and ask the user which version to open if an autosave version exist? I'm not sure if it's even possible to link code in at the right spots, at least not without creating a vertical application...

2004-09-15, 11:41 AM
Background; After years on ****** computers I got a new job (end of August). When I took the job I had a new computer as a requirement. I got it in about two weeks ago and crashed about 15 times a day ever since (bad stick of RAM, Dell is sending a replacement).

Explanation; I said that to say this... I make a folder under my ACAD directory called auto-save, and point the auto-save files their. If you crash and you know it it is not that big of a deal to open the file (which is set to sort by date) and find the newest file with ac$ / SV$ on it. I then just double click rename it to a dwg and open it. If it is the correct file I then Re-save it to the correct directory.

2004-09-15, 04:50 PM

I have been doing the same for 3 years.

One time, during a design presentation with big clients, there was a power failure. Since I had my workstation in the boardroom, I didn't bother to bring my UPS, and lost the open files. Because I have an Autosave folder set up on my hard drive, I was able to recover the file just a few minutes before the crash.

I recommend this to all users, just be vigilant about how much hard drive space this takes up.