View Full Version : Calculated value in Tags

Harry Pranata
2008-04-14, 08:09 PM
Does anybody know how we can show a calculated value in tags?
for example when we are doing code analysis / exiting analysis, we can have the occupant load calculated in our schedule by entering the occupant load factor but in order to show the occupant load value in the room tag I have to type it manually.
Has anybody created a tag that can read the calculated value column, and would you share it with me?
Thank you

2008-04-14, 08:18 PM

It cant be done, sadly. Here is the closest you will get:

Create a shared parameter, put it in the schedule next to your CV, and use the SP in the tag. Then, manually go through the schedule and copy the CV's in to the SP's column. While it isnt automatic, you can then do the following to keep your manual entry honest:

Create a duplicate schedule that only has three columns:

The CV
The SP
and a Check column

Make the check column an if state that reads "1" of the previous two values arent equal to each other (take your pick on which to subtract i suppose). Place that schedule ON YOUR DRAWING, and make the schedule format have no lines, no headers, and filter out by the check column so that only the values of 1 show up.

Then, if you go to your egress sheet, and see a space number and the "1", you know to go to your schedule and check the CV against the SP.

Of course, the even EASIER way...

Is just put the schedule on the sheet with the CV, and keep that information out of the tag alltogether. My workaround is a perfect example of trying to force intelligent data from the model in to a solution that it doesnt naturally want to make, when i would be better off using a schedule to show the data, and not having to bother with the trick at all.

But, you know how cities and towns can be about egress drawings, hahaha...