View Full Version : REVIT 2009 Project upgrade Crash

2008-04-17, 12:27 PM
ok so i tryed to upgrade my 2008 project and revit crashed at the end of the upgrade. this happened 2 times.

back to 2008 for now

anything i can do?.

2008-04-17, 12:28 PM
how long did you wait, as when i did mine it took about 7 mins to do it :0

at first i thought it had crashed, but i just left it and it did eventually load up.

Andre Carvalho
2008-04-17, 01:01 PM
ok so i tryed to upgrade my 2008 project and revit crashed at the end of the upgrade. this happened 2 times.

back to 2008 for now

anything i can do?.

Try auditing the file in 2008 and saving before opening it in 2009. If you have worksets, try opening it in 2009 selecting only one workset to see how it turns out.

Andre Carvalho

2008-04-17, 01:56 PM
it crashed and gave me an error report screen. i reopned and resaved a few times in 2008 and compacted the central file and then tryed the upgrade and it worked

thanks for your help

2008-04-17, 04:33 PM
Our biggest project is ~206MB and we get a out of memory error when we upgrade it. This is on a 64-bit machine w/8GB RAM. We started deleting things and got it down to 193.5MB and were able to finally upgrade it. Each attempt we ran took about 3 hours so wait for the error otherwise it might actually work.

I don't think Revit can use more than 4GB of RAM because we had plenty of room left when we got the error. This is a known issue with files ~200MB and the best think Autodesk can do is upgrade it for you but they use the same equipemnt we have so I am doubtful it will work.

2008-04-17, 06:15 PM
This was an issue for me in beta so I assumed it would have been addressed. I can't upgrade 2008 project. I waited over an hr and have since terminated the app.

2008-04-17, 07:52 PM
I have a 10MB project which make Revit crash with a critical error thingie. Auditing did not help.

Edit: Now I tried opening the project by doubleclicking in a folder and it gave me this: Unknown error: 0xC0150010

Edit2: Btw, Revit also crashes when I try to open that project on my laptop. So, it should not be system specific.

2008-04-17, 08:55 PM
Just finished installing 09 (which took almost 2 hrs) went to open a home (created in 9.1) gets to 65% on the upgrading and then goes non-responsive. I'm upgrading from 9.1 because the mirror project was essential for us. Any word on why this is happening? We have dozens of homes and auditing each one or waiting an eternity for each to open and upgrade seems extreme and would be a total pain.

2008-04-17, 09:24 PM

r2009 does a lot of regeneration during upgrade. It may be non-responsive for a while but it should come out of its coma and finish the job.

Of course, crashes are unacceptable. Please let support know if you see any crash.


PS: If it appears to be stuck, it may still be writing to the journal file. You could check the various messages about the upgrade while it is doing them by looking at the journal with a text editor.

Andre Carvalho
2008-04-18, 03:45 PM
Just finished installing 09 (which took almost 2 hrs) went to open a home (created in 9.1) gets to 65% on the upgrading and then goes non-responsive. I'm upgrading from 9.1 because the mirror project was essential for us. Any word on why this is happening? We have dozens of homes and auditing each one or waiting an eternity for each to open and upgrade seems extreme and would be a total pain.

have you tried upgrading it from 9.1 to 2008 and then from 2008 to 2009? I had a 9.1 project that the only way I found to bring it to 2009 was passing through 2008.

Andre Carvalho

2008-04-21, 03:49 PM
have you tried upgrading it from 9.1 to 2008 and then from 2008 to 2009? I had a 9.1 project that the only way I found to bring it to 2009 was passing through 2008.

Andre Carvalho

I haven't tried that. Would I have to upgrade each file twice (I hope not)? I finally got one to open but I think I may just hold tight for a while while they get some of the bugs worked out of 09. Then I'll re-install it and give it another whirl.


Andre Carvalho
2008-04-21, 04:00 PM
Would I have to upgrade each file twice (I hope not)?

No, I don't think. My file was an isolated case and I was only letting you know the way I found to make it work. Most of the files from previous Revit version should open fine, even if upgrading multiple versions at once.

By the way, how did you get the other file to upgrade and open on 2009?

Andre Carvalho

2008-04-21, 04:33 PM
Thanks for the heads up Andre. I set it to open GL Hardware Acceleration and gave it another go. It still took about 4 minutes or so (it's a +/- 20 MB file).

2008-05-09, 04:01 PM
I recently got 2009 on my system and the first time I tried to open 2008 files in 2009 they all ended with a fatal error message. After checking this thread i turned on Open GL and it opened the files but they were screwed up. So I turned Open GL off again and now I am not having any problems upgrading any files from 2008. I have no idea why it worked, but I hope this helps someone...

2008-06-26, 07:51 PM
What was all screwed up with your files when you opened them in 2009? When we opened our file, about 13Mb, in 3D view shading with lines it shows the interior wall lines from the outside just like a wireframe but the exterior is shaded??? Everything else seems to be working alright but the 3D view is horrible to work in.

2008-06-27, 12:15 AM
What was all screwed up with your files when you opened them in 2009? When we opened our file, about 13Mb, in 3D view shading with lines it shows the interior wall lines from the outside just like a wireframe but the exterior is shaded??? Everything else seems to be working alright but the 3D view is horrible to work in.

If I remember correctly I was getting "rainbow" colors on various wall faces as I used the 3D orbit and I was getting a cut plain type of thing going on that would cut into the building so that I was seeing what was happening inside as if I had oriented to a section view or something. I haven't read anybody else having this problem and I haven't had anyting like it since.

You might want to go into your materials and make sure whatever material you are using doesn't have the transparency at like 50% or something. Settings > Materials... > Graphics (tab) > Shading. There is a transparency setting that causes something very similar to what you are describing.

The only other thing I can think of for your problem would be to check the View Properties of your 3D view and make sure your Walls don't have the "Transparent" box clicked (second to last column in row).

Hope this helps...

2008-08-26, 02:45 PM
We had a project that crashed Revit when we upgraded to 2009. We finally traced it to a linked AutoCAD file. We had to disconnect from the network; open in 2009; unlink the files; save as a Central File; reconnect to the network and reload the files until we found the bad one. We still have not identified the problem with the AutoCAD file.

Rick Houle
2008-08-26, 03:11 PM
It is not entirely uncommon for a seemingly acceptable piece of Autocad to CRASH the Revit dbase... (i dont trust any of our legacy cad inside Revit)

I have managed to convert a ~260mb file from 2008 to 2009. It took a while, it seemed to hang at the end... but i had the Task Mgr open so i knew something was still occurring... the wait was not a concern since i had a spare PC to do this on so i could walk away... (XP pro, Dual-core, 4gb ram)

I believe the success was directly tied to good preparation:

Audit, Purge, remove all links, SaveAs to new name...
Be patient. And watch your progress inside the task manager - you will see the process slowly climbing toward your memory threshold. IF it tips the threshold, you lose the process.

2008-08-26, 03:11 PM
We had trouble until we flipped the 3gb Switch on all systems. The largest file we upgraded to 2009 was "only" 129mb, and it needed the switch set, then no problemo. I also noticed that in the recent Revit Performance white paper, the virtual memory settings are higher than in the Adesk 3gb Switch document.

2008-08-27, 02:42 PM
2 Things I have noticed when upgrading files to 2009. If you have an autocad file inside the project you have a higher chance of it crashing so either get rid of them or if you have them linked in try an unload them so you can load them in when you have upgraded. The other issue is when you have grouped files or linked projects inside your project. Revit tries to upgrade all the files and that is why it crashes. Upgrade the linked files or group files before you upgrade your project and you will have less issues.

2008-09-19, 06:09 PM
What was all screwed up with your files when you opened them in 2009? When we opened our file, about 13Mb, in 3D view shading with lines it shows the interior wall lines from the outside just like a wireframe but the exterior is shaded??? Everything else seems to be working alright but the 3D view is horrible to work in.

did you ever figure out a fix to this? we've encountered this same problem recently.
the 3D views are having horrible issues with seeing lines through walls and families etc.etc. but in camera views it seems just fine.. would love to find a fix, cause it's not office wide, just one project...


2008-09-19, 06:28 PM
did you ever figure out a fix to this? we've encountered this same problem recently.
the 3D views are having horrible issues with seeing lines through walls and families etc.etc. but in camera views it seems just fine.. would love to find a fix, cause it's not office wide, just one project...


This only happens on default 3d views. when it happens you can delete the view and recreate it.

2008-09-20, 05:58 PM
This was an issue for me in beta so I assumed it would have been addressed. I can't upgrade 2008 project. I waited over an hr and have since terminated the app.

Last week we upgraded 260 Mb project with multiple links in it without a problem. It took almost no time to do it. The same project was crashing in Beta attempt so I suppose the problem was fixed.