View Full Version : Revit 2009 - Deployment Installer

2008-04-17, 01:20 PM
Hi all,

I've attempted to create a Deployment Installer for Revit 2009, but I've seem to run into a weird issue...

In previous packages, you can pre-define resource links... You know, in the File Open Dialog box, the preset icons to the left.

In 2009 deployment, I can create the links, but I can't give them a name, such as "Office Custom Components" or what have you.

Has anyone else run into this? Any ideas on how to fix (aside from going to each workstation).



2008-04-17, 03:12 PM
I have not got to that issue yet, but I set that up via the Revit.ini file (copy to C drive as part of the delpoyment). I just looked, and the line is this there - I know the shortcuts bar in the open dialog work differnt now so not sure if this will still work.

This is the line: DataLibraryLocations

Also, I noticed a 32bit and 64bit check box when creating the deployment. I assume that is just for the deployment package and not Revit 64 bit as it sounds like that does not exist yet?

2008-04-17, 04:27 PM
When you are configuring content in the Define File Locations section (page 5 of 8) select the main Library folder and then you will be able to click the Add button to add more folders to the list.

I think they use a standard installer for all their procucts and if you are running a 64-bit machine it will ask you if you want 64-bit.

2008-04-17, 04:36 PM
Worked fine for me. I added our custom links, with custom names while building the deployment. You have to click on the names a couple of times to get the cursor to change them. The deployment will be easier then distibuting an INI file.

2008-04-17, 05:49 PM
If you just copy the Revit.ini file how do you handle making sure each username is correct?
Open the ini file that you will be copying, and delete the username. Then, when Revit is opened on a new computer, the username will be automatically entered, using the Windows login name of the user.

2008-05-15, 08:06 PM
Saeborne, while you are on the "Define File Location"of the deployment page you must first click on the "Library" branch. Once it is highlighted the ADD button becomes availalbe. Click on any of the subsequent added items to add the browser items.