View Full Version : Revit 2009 unrecoverable errors

2008-04-17, 10:07 PM
1 - Load Revit 2009
2 - Start New Project > Default Metric Template
3 - Don't do anything ... just wait
4 - After 5 minutes, Revit reports "an unrecoverable error has occurred"

Repeat steps 1 - 2 - 3 >> bingo >>4

Repeat steps 1 - 2 - 3 >>bingo >>4


Can't imagine this behavior isn't reported earlier ...
Must be something down here.
Any idea's ?

2008-04-18, 07:13 AM
Very weird, but we have no crashes here.

best regards

2008-04-18, 10:53 AM
You mean that having no crashes is weird ? :)

2008-04-18, 11:22 AM
I tried to change the Open GL setting under options, graphics and it would crash. I installed Vista and the problem went away. It also sees all my 5 gigs of ram.

2008-04-18, 11:53 AM
Just read on the Revit3D site something about updating grahpics drivers......that MAY have something to do with it.

2008-04-18, 04:03 PM
Just read on the Revit3D site something about updating grahpics drivers......that MAY have something to do with it.

Please don't take this personally, because it is not meant to be, especially because you are only trying to help.

It is frustrating because allot of users are experiencing nightmare scenario instability, and the usual fall-back positions feel almost "party line" cynical to implicitly encourage people (by remaining mute) out on easter egg hunts to find solutions to problems Adesk manifested in the first place.

Autodesk is the industry giant. I am quite sure they have access to all card manufactures "latest drivers" at release time, and even some pre-release drivers for future card technologies that are on the horizon. Without question, they should have done a little QA in that area before releasing the program, if that even is the problem to begin with.

2008-04-18, 05:57 PM
Billy, weather its the answer you want to hear or not... We had machines doing that as well, and we were mortified that letting Revit sit idle would make 09 crash. One video card driver update on each machine, the problems completely went away.

And for what its worth, Autodesk didnt send us on an easter egg hunt. They looked at data we sent them in the form of journals, models we were trying to use, computer information, etc, and they determined that there was a graphics issue of some sort causing revit to crash, and we went from there.

Now, im far from someone whos going to tow the line for a company i dont work for, but they were nothing but helpful in isolating that problem and getting us answers.

2008-05-02, 06:44 PM
Had same problem try updating your video driver


2008-05-05, 08:13 AM
updating the video driver solved the problem

2008-05-05, 03:22 PM
Oh, oh
Looks like Eddy and Billy are going to be fightling like cats and dogs! ;)

2008-05-28, 12:49 PM
updating the video driver solved the problem

Hi Guys,
Please can u tell me how I can upload my video drivers? I have soon a deadline and Revit 2009 continues to crash...

2008-05-28, 12:59 PM

Go to the card maker's website and search for drivers for the card model on your PC. You will probably need to restart after installing them.

You will also probably need admin access to install them. You may also want to turn OpenGL off (Settings>Options>Graphics) if the problem persists. I don't know why but on some PCs we still need to do this.

Good luck