View Full Version : Revit 2009 : Interior shaded views are way dark

2008-04-18, 07:01 PM
The attached image is an interior elevation with shading on. Shadows are off. It's a new building, phase is set to complete. The walls are WHITE. The same elevation in Revit 2008 actually shows the walls as white.

All my interior elevations are now unusable with color shading on.

Anyone know what's going on?

2008-04-18, 07:15 PM
Is this for CD's? Why not use hidden line.

You might try setting the sun to 100%. Is it enabled?

Andre Carvalho
2008-04-18, 07:15 PM
Looks like you are not the only one. See this thread:

Andre Carvalho

2008-04-18, 08:55 PM
Is this for CD's? Why not use hidden line.

You might try setting the sun to 100%. Is it enabled?
No, they're not for CDs, but not sure how that's relevant? Shouldn't color shaded views work at least a little bit? Granted, color shading in Revit has always sucked eggs, but at least it was semi-usable for working on models (helps distinguish what's what). Now it's just a dark washed-out mess.

Shadows are off. Does sun settings affect shading when shadows are off?

This appears to be a bug. It's in all of our 2008 projects that have been upgraded to 2009. However, if I start with a new project, the problem doesn't appear to be there. I was hoping it was just some weird new setting.

2008-04-18, 09:02 PM
Someone just pointed out that there are some new settings in the Advanced Graphics dialog. You can now do color shades with sun position and set brightness even if Shadows are not on.

However, it's not checked in my super dark shaded views. Checking it and turning the brightness to 100 makes it lighter, but not even close to white.

2008-04-18, 09:19 PM
Okay, I think I figured it out...

In the Advanced Model Graphics Settings, under Sun - Sun Position needs to be set to "[Still Solar Study] - Elevation" to get the pure white. This setting affects the shaded elevations whether the "Use sun position for shaded display" is checked or not.

I'm not sure if that's an intended feature, but it's unfortunate that when Revit 2009 upgrades the project, it doesn't automatically assign that setting to elevations, etc.

Thanks for the replies.

EDIT: I just realized that "[Still Solar Study] - Elevation" appears to be a custom setting in my own template, but some of the other default settings work as well.

2008-04-19, 09:32 PM
That's kinda weird though. When you uncheck "Use sun position for shaded display", you would expect that changing the Sun Position would not have an effect on the shading in elevation. Yet, it does. I can't even find any documentation for the checkbox option. It's not making sense.

2008-04-20, 11:18 AM
I think that's a bug

2008-04-21, 07:24 AM
Thanks IRU69 it had me pulling my hair out!!! Obviously, you are more creative than me in figuring out the minds of computer software writers!!??



2008-04-21, 08:39 AM
Okay, I think I figured it out...

In the Advanced Model Graphics Settings, under Sun - Sun Position needs to be set to "[Still Solar Study] - Elevation" to get the pure white. This setting affects the shaded elevations whether the "Use sun position for shaded display" is checked or not.

I'm not sure if that's an intended feature, but it's unfortunate that when Revit 2009 upgrades the project, it doesn't automatically assign that setting to elevations, etc.

Thanks for the replies.

EDIT: I just realized that "[Still Solar Study] - Elevation" appears to be a custom setting in my own template, but some of the other default settings work as well.

thank you, this has been driving me mad!

2008-07-18, 09:00 AM
Hi, its not only in interior shaded view but also in elevation. Anyway, how do you change it to ...... .... "[Still Solar Study] - Elevation" ... I dont have that in my settings. only sunlight from top right, top left solstice etc. but not that "Elevation"

How do I change it.


Andre Carvalho
2008-07-18, 01:44 PM
Hi, its not only in interior shaded view but also in elevation. Anyway, how do you change it to ...... .... "[Still Solar Study] - Elevation" ... I dont have that in my settings. only sunlight from top right, top left solstice etc. but not that "Elevation"

How do I change it.


Go to View > Advanced model graphics > Under Sun you have the options for Sun position and should find Still Solar Study there. This is for Revit 2009.

If you are using 2008 or 9.1, then this is still in View > Advanced model graphics > and the option is under Shadow properties > Sun and shadow settings.

Andre Carvalho

2008-07-19, 05:02 AM

Im using Revit A. 2009. But, how do you change that to custom elevation, where the shading with White color would be "White".

2008-07-19, 03:12 PM
In that dialog, set the option to Directly and set your Azimuth to 0. In the Advanced Graphics dialog, set your Brightness to 100, Cast Shadows to 0. That should get you close.

2008-07-20, 07:03 AM
Cast Shadows to 0. That should get you close.

Thanks, though I think theres no need to set Cast Shadows to 0 as long as it is "Uncheck".
Now, Im back on track.

2008-07-20, 03:51 PM
You're right, I'm still thinking in terms of 2008 when that option controlled both settings so you had to leave it on and set shadows to 0.

2008-10-01, 12:23 AM
Is Revit set to Solar time or Local time and is it factoring Daylight savings time? I am finding the angles they provide are inaccurate per international solar data that I am referencing it against, - even when analyzing solar noon. I am using 2008 and have resorted to the 'Settings>Directly' command to control the Azimuth and Altitude and am receiving bizarre results - which include the blackout shadows.

Scott D Davis
2008-10-01, 02:32 AM
You set the time, date, and place. It will be the time you select in the location you select. There is a checkbox for daylight savings (or not) in the settings dialog. You can control the intensity (darkness) of shadows as well.

2010-02-05, 01:44 AM
IRU69's solution doesn't work for me. I tried all of the different sun setting and none of them brighten up the model. One building is nice and bright while the other with the exact same materials and sun settings looks very dark and is difficult to discern separate building elements.

Strangely the model suddenly went dark today. It was nice and bright yesterday.

Anyone's suggestions would be appreciated...

cliff collins
2010-02-05, 02:36 PM
The problem is, that for interior views, unless there are large expanses of glass nearby,
or skylights, none of the "sun" is getting into the interior of the building--thus the dark
appearance in shaded views. This actually makes sense, as it is a "real world" condition.

Try making the shaded appearance of the various materials a bit lighter color.

You could "fake" things by turning off opaque exterior walls to "let in some light"

Or, better yet--place a few studio lights in the scene and do some preliminary rendered
views instead of shaded ones. Better have a fast quad core machine with lots of RAM!
