View Full Version : 2009 - Activate Dimensions

2008-04-18, 11:25 PM
I just installed 2009 last night and today when I opened up the project that I was just working on yesterday in 2008, I no longer see the temporary dimensions when I click on walls.

I had heard that when a Revit model gets too "complex", you suddenly have to start hitting "Activate Dimensions" every time you select a wall, but my model did not change from last night to this morning.

My model is of only four single family homes...surely that's not too "complex" for Revit to deal with. Is this a bug in 2009?

2008-04-19, 01:01 AM
I've run into this as well on projects upgraded from 2008 to 2009. The projects have been rather small ~30MB, so "complex" shouldn't be an issue. But it's appeared only inconsistently in the last few days. In a couple instances, I "cut" the wall and then "pasted" it back in the exact same place and then the temp dimensions worked again.

2008-04-21, 03:48 PM
I don't think it's as much the complexity of the project as how many things are related to the wall or whatever you are picking. If it's got a lot of references, you will have to hit the "activate dims" button. Just my experience..

Andre Carvalho
2008-04-21, 04:36 PM
This is from the Revit founders and may help you to understand the whole process on how temporary dimensions work.


I hope it helps,

Andre Carvalho

2008-04-21, 05:11 PM
That's all well and good, but I think the point here is whether another thing went wrong with 2009. I think I'd only seen this issue once in the last several years of working with Revit, and within a day of using 2009, I'd seen it several times.

2008-04-22, 10:00 PM
I have not worked on this project in a few days, but today when I went back to it, it all worked correctly. That tells me that this is purely a bug as once again, the model has barely changed.

What I did notice was that some walls exhibited the behavior and others didn't. Nevertheless, today, all is well.

Thanks all.