View Full Version : Adding a new INSERT COMPONENT menu Item.

2008-04-21, 07:43 PM
AutoCAD 2008 Electrical
The default “insert component” menus for Schematics and Footprint do not have a power supply icon. When you look at the access database “default_cat.mdb” at the table entry “PW” you will find it contains power supplies. I created two symbols one for the schematic print “power supply” and downloaded from Allen Bradley the physical CAD drawing for a 1606-XL60D power supply to create the second symbol. I then attempted to add a new icon to “insert component” with the “icon menu wizard” to the schematic and an icon on the footprint menus. I also added the attributes to the schematic symbol. I think I have all of the pieces, but it is not coming out correctly. I can call up the new power supply icon and when I do a catalog look up it goes to the wrong “table”. When I change the “table” it finds the Allen Bradley power supply I added to the catalog. The same is true when I insert the footprint.
Does some one have a detailed set of instructions on the proper way to add a new menu item to the "component insert menu"?
Thanks Craig

2008-04-22, 04:46 PM
Have you double checked the family name in the schematic? This is were the database looks for what table to view.

I would be happy to make an instruction pdf either for Hotnews or ATP class as soon as I can. It is always helpful to have some one ask for what they need than to think of what others need. I will keep you posted.

2008-04-22, 05:23 PM
My company is going from Autocad 2000 to Autocad 2008 Electric. I was chosen as the one to look at the program and figure out how it works.

Everything in the Electric part of the program is new to me. I stated by creating the .png (PNGOUT) pictures of the schematic symbol and the power supply to put into "Components Insert". Then I used the schematic shape to create a schematic symbol with attributes. I used a cad download from Allen Bradley to create a footprint symbol. I went into the catalog and added the Allen Bradley 1606-XL60D power supply to the PW table. When I was all done it almost works. I can insert the symbol, but it places it where it wants to. After inserting the power supply 3 times and manually selecting the power supply table PW it started going to the power supply table on its own. The Export to a spreadsheet seems to be working. The .png pictures I made look terrible, any suggestions?

I am just missing some small key setup steps to make the new component insert work correctly.

What I am really for is a procedure I can share with my co-workers so we can add sub-menus to the component inset as need to in the future.


2008-05-07, 08:23 PM
For a better looking image (or maybe as good as it gets) I use the "pick" option in the icon menu wizard (I tried to paste a screen capture but that doesn't want to work) under image file section.

The issue with the "inserts it where it wants" has to be a result of the "pick insertion point" option in the symbol builder.

Going from any AutoCAD to ACAD Electrical is one hairy proposition that many do very well. I am an Instructor and traveled to 38 of our wonderful states last year almost exclusively for AutoCAD Electrical training onsite at our clients facilities. I do it all from implementation to training to post support. My point is not about me but the importance of training!!. I won't mention my company but get to the Electrical fundamentals class of your choice. Usually it is about 3 days in length but invaluable. Please explain to management the importance of giving this wonderful product a fair chance. I look at training cost as an ante' up fee just to get in the game. You could spend thousands of dollars worth of man time "looking" for answers. Sounds like you are getting there but are you doing it in the most efficient manner? Hang in there Hollenbeck but ACAD E may be the most demanding product in Autodesks line up. It is also one of the most rewarding.

Good job so far.