View Full Version : 3D DWFs

Scott D Davis
2004-09-07, 10:36 PM
I'm really hoping now that we get the ability to produce 3D DWF's from Revit 7.0. These things are really nice! You can control on/off and transparency of objects from within the DWF, and pre-defined views can be automatically brought up in a 'real-time' sort of way. What I mean is, than if you are in an ISO that looks at the front of the building, and switch to an ISO at the rear of the building, the model swings around 'live' in the viewer. It's not just a 'switch' to the view, its a camera movement type view change. Very nice!

Here's an example:


Look for the "Take a look at the new 3D DWF!" Thread.

Go HERE (http://usa.autodesk.com/adsk/servlet/index?siteID=123112&id=2404513&wac=ILC-GN9219645015)to get the viewer (which also has an example)

Phil Palmer
2004-09-08, 09:14 AM

Does the 3d DWF also give you the ability to get to the object properties
That has been available for ADT users for some time now (2d dwf)
I just hope we get all the same (if not more) functionality with exported DWF files from Revit Version 7.

Scott D Davis
2004-09-08, 04:39 PM

It looks like in the examples I looked at, the properties of the individual objects are available. The "valve" example on the DWF download site has individual components that can be selected, and then the properties of each are displayed in a dialog box on the side of the DWF viewer window. The house example on the Autodesk NG does not have anything filled in for the properties.....its an ADT model. I would think that if the 3D DWF were available from Revit, all the properties of the objects would be available in the DWf as well.

Danny Polkinhorn
2004-09-08, 07:29 PM

Here are two samples from ADT that have properties attached.

Click on one of the windows on the left side:

Most of the timbers here have properties:

Hope that helps...

2004-09-08, 10:57 PM
I read in the Autodesk newsgroups that Inventor is the only application at present that can write 3D DWF's.

Does that mean we have to wait for V7 before Revit will do it or is there likely to be an update before then.

Kim Heaver