View Full Version : Interior Elevation problem 2009

2008-04-25, 04:22 PM
I have a project I started in 2008 - I transfered it to 2009 to use the rendering engine... :beer:nice.
I am having a problem creating interior elevations. It seem I can create the elevations with any place BUT in the Restrooms - When I do try to create an elevation this I get this error:

"None of the created elements are visible in Floor Plan: SECOND FLOOR View. You may want to check the active view, its Parameters, and Visibility settings, as well as any Plan Regions and their setting"

Why??? :?: The Parameters are set properly - ( I can create intrerior elevations in the room next to the restrooms) I had created a larger view of the restroom- (thouhgt that might be the problem - so I deleted that view - same problem)

Any thoughts??? Solutions?

2008-04-25, 07:05 PM
It seems when I place an Elevation Tag - it produces an elevation 3" below the level I am on... only in the Restrooms - how strange. I can drag the elevation to the proper ht and the Elevation Tag shows up in the plan

2008-04-25, 08:28 PM
It seems when I place an Elevation Tag - it produces an elevation 3" below the level I am on... only in the Restrooms - how strange. I can drag the elevation to the proper ht and the Elevation Tag shows up in the plan

Are there any floor finish model elements anywhere around that area?

2008-05-05, 02:36 PM
Yes there are floor finishes???

2008-05-05, 03:18 PM
Any Plan Regions?

2008-05-05, 08:43 PM
No plan regions

2008-05-05, 10:58 PM
Are you sure about the Plan Regions? I was having some visibility issues recently and there were NO plan regions...or so I thought. I had somehow managed to copy a plan region into the area I was having problems with and had no idea I had done it, nor when.

2008-05-06, 10:26 AM

The 3 inch deal is a bug and a known issue. If you go to the elevation generated you'll have to expand the elevation box to show the elevation. Probably should file a support request and send the file so the factory can look at the cause.