View Full Version : Limits of Dim Override

2008-04-25, 05:21 PM
Today I came across a limitation to the dimension overrride. I was laying out my casework in a library and I wanted to dimension the casework and place my key designation in the dimension below the line. However, when I went to edit the dimension the text edit for "above" and "below" was grayed-out. This only seems to be happening with my casework families. I thought that it might be because the family was loaded with a type catalog. However, this assumption was proven false. Also, if you look at the text edit for "below" it says 7'-0". I am not sure where this is coming from.

Any ideas as to why this might be occurring?

2008-04-25, 05:53 PM
I'm getting the same thing when I put a dimension on the length of a countertop family.

Actually it's happening on lots of family types, when you place a dimension onto a family, so that both witness lines reference parts of the same family, the Above and Below fields are grayed out in the dimension override, and some random dimension is shown in the grayed out below box.

I tried it on a refrigerator and a wall-mounted sink and got the same behavior. However the override function worked fine when I put a dimension on a 2-bowl kitchen sink family.

FOUND IT! The issue is related to families containing a Height parameter, such as doors, countertops (and other casework), pretty much anything with a parameter controlling either the height of the object, or the mounting height of the object.

In a dimension's type properties, at the very bottom is a field with a check box called Show Opening Height. If you turn this on, it will show the height of an object below the dimension line. Some firms show this when dimensioning doors or windows.

Looks like this is a bug and I will file a support request to let the factory know.