View Full Version : Linked Revit files - line weights

2008-04-25, 05:34 PM
When I link in a Revit Structure file into my project, where the engineer has copied my walls into his project, the walls in the linked file show with very heavy lines, as opposed to mine.

I have my walls set to weight 7 when cut, and the walls in the Structure file are much heavier, like weight 15 or something! Everything is set to By Host View, so why does it not show the walls in the linked file with the same line weights as my walls?

I'd rather not have to go through every single view and change the linked view to Custom and then turn off the walls. Ideas?

2008-04-25, 05:58 PM
If set to By Host View, the line weights in the host project govern. You might need to set your link to By Linked View.

EDIT: Oops, misunderstanding. You're saying that they're NOT showing with the same lineweight. Are you sure they're not set to By Linked View instead of By Host View?

2008-04-25, 06:36 PM
yep I checked, the link says By Host View under display settings. If I click on that button, the By Host View radio button is picked, and all the options underneath are grayed out. Model categories, Annotations, etc. are all set to By Host View.

This is not a 2009 problem. I had the same issue in a recent project in 2008 with linked RS and RMEP files.

2008-04-25, 07:53 PM
So what you're saying is that if the linked file has lineweights that differ from the host file, they will display per the overriden values even if the link is set to By Host View. Interesting...I gotta do some test files to see if I can reproduce the same problem.

2008-04-25, 08:22 PM
So what you're saying is that if the linked file has lineweights that differ from the host file, they will display per the overriden values even if the link is set to By Host View. Interesting...I gotta do some test files to see if I can reproduce the same problem.

I'm not sure if they are displaying per the linked file's settings or not. All I know is that the walls in the linked file have a MUCH heavier cut line weight that my own wall cut line weight settings, despite the fact that the linked file is set to By Host View.

*edit hmm if I changed the linked file to Custom in my floor plan view, but then leave all of the fields now available set to By Host View, then it looks correct. Very odd indeed. Model and Annotation tabs for the linked view are still set to By Host View.

2008-04-26, 09:27 PM
I can't reproduce the issue. When I link By Host View, the Object Styles (greyed out) is automatically set to "By host file" and the line thickness matches the host's settings. I even tried setting the child project to structural (and the walls too), but it acted the exact same. Is it possible to produce a small file with the issue and post it?

2008-06-20, 02:07 PM
I'm having the same exact problem... hence my search for this topic. But here is what I'm doing....

I go into my VG overrides on the view, then try to set my structural engineer's linked file wall-cuts lineweights to the same as mine. Mine are set to 4, when I set his to 4 they are a different weight. When I set them to 2, they are thicker. Finally when I set them to 1, they are similar to my 4.

Question is, on my end, the LW of the 1 thru16 are set in my files Object Style and LW settings. So why would they be different? Even if Object Styles are set to "host", are the lineweights dependent upon the linked files still? Do I need to set LW to "host"? And if so, where do I do that?

That was probably the most confusing couple of paragraphs ever....


-edit--I just opened my structural file, looked at his lineweights and instantly saw the problem. SO let's ammend the question: If I can set Objects Styles to host view, can I set Line Weights to host view?

Would this get to your problem too, Patrick?

Andre Carvalho
2008-06-20, 04:16 PM
If I can set Objects Styles to host view, can I set Line Weights to host view?

Setting the object styles to host view will make the line weights from the linked file follow the line weights set to the object styles on the host file. Isn't it what you want?

Andre Carvalho

2008-06-20, 04:39 PM
Yes, sir. That is what I want. But setting the object style to host isn't setting the lineweights to host. The lineweights are still based on the linked file. I verified this by toggling them in my visual graphics overrides. For instance, when I set a LW to No. 2, it sets it to the linked file's No. 2, not my file's No 2.

2008-06-21, 04:09 AM
Hmmm I think I might be understanding what's going on now. Revit sets the line weight correctly, but if the line thickness in the linked file for a specific line weight (EX: 4) is different from the line thickness in the host file, that's when you notice the issue as it uses the thickness in each project. So basically Revit is setting the line weight correctly when you use "By Host View" (EX: all cut walls will show with line weight 5), but if in the thickness set for line weight 5 in the linked project is set to 0.18" and in the host it is set to 0.018", Revit will use each respective thickness for elements in each file. Thus the problem Patricks is having with walls...they are displaying with different thicknesses because the line weights are mapped to different thicknesses in each file.

The solution is to use Transfer Project Standards and copy the line weight settings so they're the same between all files.

2008-06-21, 09:05 PM
One of my ArchiCAD friends, James Murray, coined the term How Can This Possibly Be What I Want? for these types of design errors that cannot quite be called bugs but bug the heck out of us nonetheless. Unfortunately both ArchiCAD and Revit still have quite a few HCTPBWIWs.

2008-10-07, 04:23 PM
Hmmm I think I might be understanding what's going on now. Revit sets the line weight correctly, but if the line thickness in the linked file for a specific line weight (EX: 4) is different from the line thickness in the host file, that's when you notice the issue as it uses the thickness in each project. So basically Revit is setting the line weight correctly when you use "By Host View" (EX: all cut walls will show with line weight 5), but if in the thickness set for line weight 5 in the linked project is set to 0.18" and in the host it is set to 0.018", Revit will use each respective thickness for elements in each file. Thus the problem Patricks is having with walls...they are displaying with different thicknesses because the line weights are mapped to different thicknesses in each file.

The solution is to use Transfer Project Standards and copy the line weight settings so they're the same between all files.

We are having the same issue, I’m agreeing with your suggestion. It is the fastest way to control the same line weight into your file, especially if you are working with different offices (as we know each office have different standards)
Good day,

Jos Arpink
2010-08-09, 11:05 PM
I've just run into this in 2010 as well. Took a while to figure it out and thanks for this thread to confirm the finding. To repeat, the issue is that graphics By Host View will adopt the "pen number" from the host model, but not the associated line thickness...for that it goes back to the linked file. I'm wondering if the factory can comment on this as it seems buggy to me. Haven't checked 2011 to see if the issue persists.

2010-08-10, 01:11 PM
Yep, still happening in 2011 SP1.

And now even with a different structural engineer than we had when I first made this thread, it still happens. Does RST just default to really heavy line thickness settings or something? Everything cut in my building sections from the RST file shows up as super heavy.

*edit* I just tried opening the RST model and transferring in the line weight settings from our project template. Then I reloaded the link, and cut a new section with everything set to By Host View, and the structural walls STILL show up as extremely heavy in section.

2010-09-21, 07:27 PM
I have the same issue with a linked structural file. Just shaking my head. Don't get this at all. If we aren't going to have the option to choose using the lineweights by host or by linked file, obviously the default shoud be to use OUR lineweights (meaning the host file), not the other way around. What is setting object styles 'by host' supposed to do if it isn't using the lineweights defined in the host project??? Someone's asleep at the switch here...

Modifying the linked file isn't ideal:

1st, It's someone else's file, so it's their business and my problem. MYOB (I'm talking manners here, which matters in consultant relationships).

2nd, I would have to repeat the modification each time I receive an updated file from the engineer.

While we're at it, shouldn't materials be overriden by the host file as well. This linked file is causing havoc with our graphic standards....

2011-11-08, 03:05 PM
In 2011, I was able to change the lineweights (thickness) once in the linked file, and then all subsequent reloads kept the lineweight settings. I'm not finding this to be the case in 2012. Was anyone else able to do this in 2011 and what about 2012?

Need to have this ability back!


2012-01-04, 04:11 PM
Hi, just seeing if anyone else is running into this issue.

2012-01-05, 02:34 PM
Hmmm I have not noticed this as being the case in 2012 but that would be bad!

2012-01-05, 04:11 PM
We have been transfering project standards each time we recieve a consultant's file (in order to get the line weights to be how we want them), but since we don't have that many, it hasn't been an issue. I get worried about the process when we have a larger project with more consultants/buildings to worry about - the time investment will become too much.

The message that I get from autodesk is that the model line weights are used from the linked project file and not the host file.

So if in the host project file Line weight 1 (for 1/8"scale) is set to .0036, and the linke project file Line weight 1 (for 1/8" scale) is set to .0128 - the Line weight for all objects (set to line weight 1) in the linked file will have the .0128 weight when imported to the host project.

We did explore the view template route - but this was more time consuming in setting all the views each time - and in addition, even if we did adjust the the line weights for the linked file, it still pulls in the actual line thickness from the other file...see if the image helps to explain...

There should be a way to control where it pulls the thickness from...(host preferable)

2012-01-06, 12:38 AM
Based on the example just posted (columns), in your object styles, what do you have the line weight set to for both colums (structural and architectural)? Do they match?

2012-01-17, 10:27 PM
RRudd -

These are both structural columns, one in an architectural file, the other in a linked Structural file. The Line weight thickness is different. There should be an optoin to override the line weight for a linked file so that their 'stuff' reads like our 'stuff'.

2012-01-18, 03:06 PM
Your only option at this point (and this has been the case since the origination of this thread) is to use Transfer Project Standards so the line thicknesses are the same between all files. In collaborative projects, it's important to establish a baseline for all projects to use. At least, for elementary graphics standards. But that is easier said than done, especially when firms do heavy customization to meet their needs.