View Full Version : Non-orthagonal grid lines on curtain system

2008-04-29, 03:51 PM
Hi all,

we have a project that has an highly ornate space- domed with gothic arches and groin vaults. We have modeled the interior of this domed space and would like to add latticework into the spaces between our columns and arches and in the shape of the dome just above them.

We used massing to get the shape, curtain system using empty panels to get places for mullions and it all looks fine- but we need the latticework to be drawn at a 45 degree angle not 90 degrees. In other words the dome shaped curtain wall requires a mullion pattern of diamonds, not rectangles. Is this possible using these tools? If yes, how is it done? If no, then what is a good workaround?


Andre Carvalho
2008-04-29, 04:05 PM
I'm trying to have the whole picture in my mind, but probably you could try modeling the diamond mullion patterns as a panel to fit into the rectangular shaped gridlines rather than using real mullions to accomplish that. Different panels together would create the pattern you want.

Andre Carvalho

2008-04-29, 04:20 PM
hmm...you mean instead of having empty panels, you are suggesting I try to make a panel with only the edges, and that is drawn as a diamond shape within the panel family?

I will have to look into that...

what I am looking to do is drawn gridlines that are not either horizontal, or vertical. One of my books on Revit (Introducing Revit Architecture 2008, BIM for beginners) shows a "wavey", or double curved mullion on a vertical curtain wall. But, it doesn't spell out how that was done.

thanks. any other suggestions are welcome.

Andre Carvalho
2008-04-29, 04:34 PM
hmm...you mean instead of having empty panels, you are suggesting I try to make a panel with only the edges, and that is drawn as a diamond shape within the panel family?

I will have to look into that...

Exactly. Take a look at this post by Dimitri: http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=14886

There's another post with something similar of what you are doing but I couldn't find it. But the idea is the same.

Andre Carvalho

2008-04-29, 09:13 PM
Can't you just select your curtain system and click the icon in the middle that says Configure Grid Layout? That will let you run the horizontal and vertical grids at different angles.

2008-04-30, 01:01 AM
I haven't tried it myself, but, it was made apparent to me that there is something about selecting a dome shaped mass -curved -and that function which doesn't jive.

I've seen images of similar feats done in Revit - on this very site- but I cannot seem to locate those, or any explanation of how done.

I have to testing to do! thanks.

2008-04-30, 01:19 PM
Oh yeah.. sometimes those dome shapes will act kinda weird.

2008-04-30, 08:19 PM
after testing it myself, last night, I discovered the angle parameter is just not available when modifying the grid with that icon while operating on a dome. I didn't try using it on a simple curve - not what we are designing- so I am not sure how that functions.

we are testing the curtain panel with angled geometry to see if that acheives the desired result.

thanks again.

2008-05-01, 09:30 AM
maybe this tutorial might hep. http://designreform.net/2008/03/31/angle-parameters/#more-103