View Full Version : How to show phased objects differently?

2008-04-30, 07:27 PM
It doesn't appear that a filter can be applied to objects created in different phases. I'm doing a building addition, and I'd like to show some objects with no surface pattern in the existing phase, and with the surface pattern in the new phase. For instance the roof, I would like to show the roof pattern on the new roof but not on the existing, and I don't really want to create separate roof types. Is there any way I could do this project-wide without having to go into every roof plan and elevation view and overriding the existing roof in each view?

2008-04-30, 07:43 PM
Settings > Phases > Graphing Overrides > Set Existing to use a MATERIAL Override, instead of a linetype or linestyle. Then have the Material be something like "PHASE-EXISTING" with no Surface pattern.

Then in whichever Phase Filter youre using (under Phase Filter tab) set Existing to OVERRIDDEN instead of By Catagory, and it should work...

(but i hate material overrides, because they look ****** in section...)

2008-04-30, 08:52 PM
Settings > Phases > Graphing Overrides > Set Existing to use a MATERIAL Override, instead of a linetype or linestyle. Then have the Material be something like "PHASE-EXISTING" with no Surface pattern.

Then in whichever Phase Filter youre using (under Phase Filter tab) set Existing to OVERRIDDEN instead of By Catagory, and it should work...

(but i hate material overrides, because they look ****** in section...)

I don't want to use that, though, because some existing objects I DO want to show the surface pattern, like the existing brick walls. I'd like to somehow override individual objects or object types project-wide with regards to surface pattern visibility and phasing.

2008-04-30, 11:39 PM
Well, pick which selection set has less, and use manual Override Graphics in view. :(

Filter by phase would be neat...

2008-05-01, 01:55 PM
Well I decided to just make a separate roof type for the existing roof, since it's existing, and it's not moving or changing.

Mike Sealander
2008-05-01, 06:51 PM
I almost always make a new roof type for new roofs compared to using the same roof type for new and existing. It gives me the flexibility to modify the new roof type for design reasons, if need be.

2008-05-01, 07:04 PM
Theoretically though, they should then be different types because the construction is different. We shouldnt have to make different types for different phases, there are already phase controls built in. All that necessity does is drive up the potential for someone to use the wrong type in the wrong phase, and for the documents to not look right because of it.

Speaking of which, you know what we need??? Under Settings > Phases > Graphic Overrides... It should look just like the entire VG dialogue, so that we can individually alter different object catagories by phasing...

Scott Womack
2008-05-02, 11:31 AM
The answer is to use worksets. We use a workset called Existing Building, or Existing Shell, depending on complexity. Then ALL existing components are placed/drawn on this workset. All new items are drawn on other worksets. You can then use a view filter on walls, and hide the surface pattern on walls in that workset. This method makes allowances for you to change the workset of the infilled portion of the walls at demolished windows, to be selected and have their workset changed. Then this will hatch on an elevation, allowing you to note this infill work clearly.

2008-05-02, 01:39 PM
I cant personally advise using worksets for visibility control. With there already being a set of tools in the program meant to control Construction Phasing, adding in a manual set of controls in addition just multiplies the liklihood that someone is going to misplace something on a workset or phase, and now you have two systems to maintain and track.

In addition, ive also never seen much good come out of Worksets for Visibility Control. Just my two cents, however.

The Graphic Overrides for Phasic would work perfectly, if we just had more options for override, like in the VG dialogue...