View Full Version : Missing Lines on 3D objects in elevations

2008-05-01, 03:32 PM
This is a little item I have noticed on many elements that I have placed into my model... here and there lines get dropped... usually on a curved edge... it is like the program doesn't want to draw the finished curved edge of the item...

I have attached an example... I show the item in elevation... in Shaded with edges and in hidden line format...

Has anyone got any ideas on what is going on here... or what I can do to get around this...

Would this have anything to due with memory issues? it is not just a matter of printing when the lines disappear... they look this way once they are inserted... or when something changes in the model... another funny issue with it is that the same object will look fine in another view?

Scott D Davis
2008-05-01, 03:46 PM
All familiy objects can display the 3D model and its edges, or show symbolic lines, which are 2D representations of the object. In this case, I think the hidden line view is showing the symbolic lines, but some need to be added to the family. The shaded view is displaying the 3D model with shading. Open the family and look at the front elevation. Add symbolic lines where they are missing, then reload into your project and see how it looks.

2008-05-01, 06:27 PM
Nice try... but no... Thanks for the quick reply.. but this is why I say no...

This item has no symbolic view lines at all... it is only shown in 3d model... The idea was a simple 3d model that really did not have to much detail to it... did not require a symbolic view... at least that was the theory I thought I was following... so I would prefer that the 3D model would show correctly without having to produce symbolic elevations of everything...

The shaded 3D is showing shading with edges... notice edges are missing on this as well...

This is not the only item I have that is doing this... and it is not consistent... as I said this item will show in a front on view elevation in one location correctly and in another incorrectly... this is a bit frustrating... these little hic-ups are being used as ammunition against Revit in our office... I am fighting to prove its worth on the first project to go all the way with it... but once I print my first full set of preliminary working drawings... I am will be waiting for the barrage over this issue...

Scott D Davis
2008-05-01, 06:57 PM
Can you post your family so I can take a look?

Easiest way to fix it as far as I can tell now: make a symbolic representation of the elevation.

Andre Carvalho
2008-05-01, 06:57 PM
It can be an OpenGL limitation of your graphics card. Try playing with the OpenGL options to see. Or try opening the same file on another computer with a different graphics card.

Meanwhile, if you do what Scott is suggesting it will work for sure. If you don't want to use symbolic lines, edit you family and replace the 3D cylinder for two half cylinders and don't join them. The edges lines should then show in your project.

Andre Carvalho

2008-05-01, 07:51 PM
Well... here are two family items... one is the one shown in my example... the other is one of the other models that is reacting this way... in it's case the top and bottom lines on location disappear...

The idea of creating symbolic views for all the cases that occur is a little disheartening... some are not as simple... and this really just adds to the complexity of everything made...

But in the short term it may have to due...

Take a look and see what you think...


Oh... how do I add additioal attachments to this thread... or do I have to start again? I am new here... and I don't see a quick easy insert here button...

2008-05-01, 07:58 PM
How would this effect the plotting... because it plots the same as it looks on the screen?

Interesting thought... We do have the problem occurring on two different computers with different graphics cards... both working on this project through work sets...

Andre Carvalho
2008-05-01, 08:08 PM
Oh... how do I add additioal attachments to this thread... or do I have to start again? I am new here... and I don't see a quick easy insert here button...

When you post a reply, go to Manage attachments under the Additional options box. Browse for your file and hit upload. Then close the window and submit your reply.

Andre Carvalho

2008-05-02, 12:08 AM
I have the same problem as a.kennedy with silhouettes of curved shapes not drawing in elevation views.

I think the symbolic line work-around is not a good solution. I hope this will be addressed in future releases.

Scott D Davis
2008-05-02, 12:58 AM
I have the same problem as a.kennedy with silhouettes of curved shapes not drawing in elevation views.

I think the symbolic line work-around is not a good solution. I hope this will be addressed in future releases.

Honestly, its not a work around. Thats how its supposed to be done. A cylindrical object has no "edge" at its sides to display.

2008-05-02, 12:26 PM
The problem with that train of thought is... we loose the advantage we thought we gained... the thought that an object that is drawn in 3D will not have to be drawn in 2D... not to mention if the object turns up in a elevation that shows it on a angle... say a wall on a 45deg angle from view... It was great to think that we would still have true elevation of items on walls that were on angle from other walls... because not all walls are at 90deg angles in the real world... and as much as drawing just the flat plan view of each wall... it some times is nice to have a relationship view showing the adjacent walls that may be on those angles... If we are forced to provide symbolic views of these objects would this mean we would have to provide symbolic view on the angles as well when we need them... again defeating the purpose...

I do hope in the future this is dealt with.. I can do some work arounds for now... but... This really is a work around... not what I bought into...

2008-05-02, 04:57 PM
O.K. I thought.. why not I would post my two examples...

The one falls under Scott's Comments... a cylinder that has no edge... but I wonder why then dose the sweep of the circle curved part show lines?

The second has curved surfaces.. but it lands on the wall flat... which should be that nice line we are looking for...

These lines disappear at random on my drawings... I have several other examples... I really would hate to have to go around redefining family items to get lines to show... but time is running out... and for some I think I will be doing just that...

The catch is... I have many other items pressing for my time to get the job done (anyone surprised on that?)

Well enjoy this problem... It really is a mystery...