View Full Version : Dancing Grid bubbles

2008-05-01, 07:14 PM
Does anyone else have a problem with keeping grid bubbles in a consistent spot when you place them?

We have a workshared file that has over 100 grids, don't ask why - it didn't make sense to begin with, and each time we edit the grid bubbles and get them looking pretty they bounce back to the off-kilter spot that they were in as soon as we saved to central. It seemed as if the grid location in the central file overrode any bubble placement that we were doing in the local files.

We had a couple of work arounds for a while, one was to make sure that whoever edited the grids was the last person to STC so they got the latest placement and then have everyone else refrain from STCing until the editor had saved back. It generally worked for a while but it wasn't foolproof.

I have an inkling that it could be user error, people who were new to Revit not making sure they were editing 2D extents instead of 3D, but it went on for so long that people really should have known.

It has gotten to the point where I would like to have the grids in a separate file so no one can touch them.
Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated.

We're on RAC 2008.

Andre Carvalho
2008-05-01, 07:28 PM
Have you tried to set the grids the way you want and using the Pin position toll to make the stay in place and then saving to central? You can also make sure this was done opening the Central file and checking it. If it is OK, replace all local files with a new copy of the central file.

Also, regarding the STC, check if you don't have more than one user logged with the same username (or using the same username in Revit) on different computers working at the same time.

Andre Carvalho

2008-05-01, 08:00 PM
Yes, the grids have been pinned for quite some time. So I think the bubbles are moving whether they are pinned or not.

I'm pretty sure everyone has a unique user name. But good suggestion, I'll take a look.