View Full Version : Multiple Storm Scenarios in Hydraflow

2008-05-01, 10:30 PM
Summary: The ability to run multiple storm scenarios with different runoff coefficients or known flows in one file in Hydraflow.

Description: The ability to run multiple storm scenarios with different runoff coefficients or known flows in one file in Hydraflow.

How Used: Because the runoff coefficient varies with different design storms two separate files are required to run multiple storms. This makes it difficult to update a system when the design or layout changes because you have to update two files. If two or more scenarios could be setup within one file then multiple known flows, runoff coefficients, rainfall curves, and starting HGLs could be used. This would alleviate the error and time consumption associated with having to update multiple files.

Feature Affinity: Hydraflow

Submitted By: Scott Brown on March 14, 2008

2008-05-16, 03:41 AM
This would be very handy in attempting to concur with Circular 173 / Bulletin 70 Critical Duration Analysis.