View Full Version : DWG true view - using in Custom made VB 6 applications

2008-05-03, 08:25 AM

I installed DWG True View 2009 in my machine. I want to create a dwg viewer package for viewing our autocad Drawing files. I created the package in VB 6.0 by including the acctrl.dll. I am able to view the drawings from my VB program and i used the various functions. But when i created the package and tried to deploy in a client machine in which true view 2009 is not installed, i am getting error at the end of installation. Error message is 'unable to register c:/windows/system32/acctrl.dll. I tried to register the dll using regsvr32.exe, i am getting the message 'dllregsvr failed .. return code 0x80004005. How can i solve the issue?

Is it possible to use viewer thru a custom package in client machines in which true view 2009 is not installed? How can i register the dll.

If using dwg true view is not possible, share any other method (eg. VBA) to show CAD drawing in VB application.

Hoping the earlier reply.

2008-05-05, 05:55 PM
TrueView must be installed to utilize the .dll. Autodesk is not going to give you a free lunch. They are going to require their product to be installed. In fact, I doubt that you have rights to redistribute the .dll without a full install.

There are other avenues for creating your own drawing viewer. I beleive one of them is OpenDWG. But I haven't kept up on the status of that group.

2008-05-06, 05:33 AM
Hi Robert,

Thanks a lot for your valuable reply. I am searching for OPEN DWG. I found that informative graphics FREE DWG Viewer is based on OPEN DWG. It is possible to include the control in VB applications after installing Free DWG Viewer. But at the time of compilation it is saying that ' to integrate/embed the component, license is required'. Anyway thanks, i am searching for another component. if you are aware of any links please reply me.

2008-05-24, 02:08 PM
If your client need to view drawing file then should install True View on the machines it is free form autodesk

or you could put the file in dwf format and use FreeWheel form Autodesk to display the file on the client machines. With FreeWheel there nothing to install on the client machines.


and if your client install autodesk Design Review on there machines (free from autodesk) then can use the dwf file to mark up the drawing. and you can load the mark up in to your autocad drawing.
