View Full Version : Duplicate Type in Edit Group Mode

2008-05-03, 01:49 PM
Disclaimer- This post is not a complaint, nor do i want it to turn in to a bash fest. Im just curious if other people use the same workflow that i do when editing groups.

More and more, when im editing a Model Group, i realize i need a different Type of a family i have loaded already, to adjust a parameter size, or a wall type, or something... So i work on the group a bit, then try to change the type, and find out i cant make new types in Edit Group Mode.

So then i have to finish editing the group, then grab the object, make a new type, alter the parameters (get warned that im trying to change a group outside of edit group mode), hit cancel to make sure im not changing the group, but still making the new type, then go back in to edit group, and change the type, lol...

Anyone else very often wish they could make new types of things while in edit group mode?

2008-05-03, 04:05 PM
Disclaimer- This post is not a complaint, nor do i want it to turn in to a bash fest. Im just curious if other people use the same workflow that i do when editing groups.

More and more, when im editing a Model Group, i realize i need a different Type of a family i have loaded already, to adjust a parameter size, or a wall type, or something... So i work on the group a bit, then try to change the type, and find out i cant make new types in Edit Group Mode.

So then i have to finish editing the group, then grab the object, make a new type, alter the parameters (get warned that im trying to change a group outside of edit group mode), hit cancel to make sure im not changing the group, but still making the new type, then go back in to edit group, and change the type, lol...

Anyone else very often wish they could make new types of things while in edit group mode?

Yes, would be nice if we can make a new type of family in the Edit Group Mode. I often need to do that, and not being able to do this does hamper the workflow a bit...

2008-05-03, 05:37 PM
Hmmmm, interesting....I don't use groups that much, so I tried this out. I couldn't select an object that was part of a group and duplicate it through the proprties dialog. However, you can duplicate anything in the project browser, so at least there is a way to do it.

2008-05-03, 06:47 PM
You can duplicate it while its part of a group, and itll even let you alter the duplicate and change the group... If ther eis only one instance of the group. If there are multiples, it obviously tells you that you have to be in Edit group mode.

But, you can duplicate when youre IN edit group mode.

So what you have to do is:

1. Exit edit group mode.
2. Select the object > Edit/New > Duplicate
3. Modify the duplicate, and hit Okay
4. Then your in the properties of the element IN the group that you first hit edit/new on, so you need to make sure its still on the original version, and hit okay again.
5. Then go in to edit group.
6. Then change the object.

It works fine, but we use a LOT of groups, all the time... And when i need to make new wall types to change the way the groups are built, it just gets tedius... Same with wall sweep types, family adjustments (storefront lintel sizes) and so on...

2008-05-03, 08:17 PM
Aaron, I must be missing something here. I tried a simple test...grouped 4 walls and copied the group around several times. Then I selected one instance of the group and edited the group....the background turns to yellow. Now I went to the project browser, found the wall I was using (Generic 8") and duplicated it there. Changed the name and the properties, selected one of the walls and changed the type. I exited Group edit mode and all groups updated. What am I missing? Seems to work this way, but if you're in group edit mode, select an object and try to duplicate it from its properties, THEN it gives you the error saying "Can't create duplicates in Edit Group mode."

2008-05-03, 08:59 PM
Oh, no ****? Thats wild, i didnt realize it would let you do it in the browser WHILE you were in edit group mode.

Interesting little trick... Yeah, i grab it right in the group and try it, and it doesnt work... But i guess if that works, ill head that route. Sill wish it would work normally though, lol...

2008-05-03, 09:17 PM
Hahaha, I've had stuff similar to this happen to me before and I felt so duped when I found there was another way! Glad I inadvertently helped ;)