View Full Version : Site construction recomendations

2008-05-04, 07:13 PM
I have a large site (1000' X 600') with a 10' drop across the diagonal of the site. The project is an 8 building campus (400,000 SF, three and four floors per building, plus some below grade), arranged somewhat about the outer edge of the site to make a central plaza. The plaza will be generally flat, with the grade dropping off on two edges. I have topo information from the Landscape Architect, but it basically addresses the slopes at the periphery, and has no topo for the plaza, not the building area. As a result, it is very hard to create a topo model in Revit that is complete, and then cut building footprints out. Also, the project is at 50% DD now, and the site design is likely the be finessed over time, tho' hopefully the major grading is basically set.
In my mind I have two approaches I can take.

1: Place the topo as provided, plus spot elevations at the building corners, then Split the whole building/plaza footprint and delete. This gives me a site based on the landscape info, but it doesn't give me a true site. Site Sections and Section Boxed 3Ds have empty bits under the buildings and plaza. And in a 3D I can't even use a filled region kludge to make the view presentable.

2: Take the DWG, and extrapolate the topo lines thru the middle of the campus. Then make my pads for the buildings and add slabs for the plaza. This addresses the graphic issues, and makes for a more complete site, but it means I am interpreting something I would rather not interpret.

Anyone worked on a similar project, and have any recommendations? For what it is worth, i don't think i am going to get anything else from Landscape. As it is I can't get a DWG with 3D topo and an origin inside the site, so I am pretty sure thinking about topo that isn't "real" and is just necessary so Revit can make a valid site seems unlikely.

I am also trying to figure out the best way to handle the condition shown in the attached PDF. Basically I have two retaining walls & a flat slab between, with very different & disjointed topo lines on either side. The 69' topo line actually jumps 60' north in the 8' between retaining walls. The purple lines show my current thinking. Anyone have a different recommendation?

And as a follow-on question... Once you have a Pad placed, how do you go about editing it, or deleting it? As far as I can tell you can't get to a pad in plan. You have to cut a section to select it, then you can delete or edit. Is this really the only way to select these things?
