View Full Version : Nested Family Listing Order

2008-05-04, 07:54 PM
I have a window family with numerous nested families which are used in the interior casing type parameter, exterior type casing parameter, and grille type parameter. After inserting a window into my project I go to its element properties and then to its type properties to change any of these type parameters from their default nested families . They all swap properly as expected.

The problem that I would like to solve is that when in the type properties dialog box I click on the down arrow next to one of these parameters to change its nested family type, the list of nested family types does not appear to be organized in any recognizable order [i.e. alpha numeric]. The best that I can discern is that these are listed in the historical order in which they were loaded into the original window family over time!?

Question: Is there a way to change the order in which these nested families appear in the type properties dialog box drop-down arrow for selection and use in a particular parameter? Alphanumeric would be nice.

2008-05-05, 01:39 AM
Unfortunately, no there isn't (well, at least not without deleting all the nested families and re-loading them in the order you want). Not only would it be nice if it at least sorted alphanumerically, but as has been suggested numerous times, we really need a way to filter when a nested/shared family shows up in the list at all, e.g. by subcategories. It's a major a shame.

Question: Is there a way to change the order in which these nested families appear in the type properties dialog box drop-down arrow for selection and use in a particular parameter? Alphanumeric would be nice.