View Full Version : STDS Lisp processing time - 2004-4 secs, 2006 45 secs?

2008-05-08, 04:38 PM
Hey all.

Any theories on this one. I have a lisp routine that we use to generate and setup all our Standard Layers, Text Styles, and Dimension styles......

The thing is, unfortuneatly we are running multiple versions throughout the office and I noticed:

When the guys with LDT 2004 load the routine, it takes about 4 secs to process and create it all, then when the guys with LDT 2006 or even LDTC 2008 run it it takes anywhere from 45 seconds to a minute and a half.

Theories on this??????

2008-05-08, 06:25 PM
How many different options have been added to layers, text styles, and dimensions styles across the indicated versions? All those extra feature mean more processing.

2008-05-08, 06:41 PM
Well that can't be because both versions are processing the same amount of info.
2004 does it real fast and newer versions do it real, real slow....

2008-05-08, 10:33 PM
I'm pretty certain the 2004 file format doesn't have annotative text or dimension styles. It doesn't need to be a big thing - a flood doesn't happen from a single raindrop.