View Full Version : Curtain wall - panel edit problem

2008-05-13, 07:36 AM
Hi all.
I have just imported project into Revit 2009 and continued to work on it. Lately am focusing on curtain walls and a problem occured.
I have created curtain system based on face of the mass and as soon as I start editing any panel it moves itself either to the front or back as presented on the attached image...?? When editing is finished no changes can be further applied?

I have started a new project, did exactly the same thing and same thing happens, however in this case on top of that panel autiomatically changes material from which is done and no further editing is possible again...??


Mr Spot
2008-05-13, 07:43 AM
Is there any particular reason you are editing the panel in place rather than using a loaded curtain panel family?

2008-05-13, 08:16 AM
This curtain system is an internal wall surrounding the atrium that meets external glazing and has to be shaped accordingly to the path of it and I thought that this is going to be the way to do it.

Andre Carvalho
2008-05-13, 01:16 PM

You first create the curtain system it has its panels set to something (let's say System Panel Glazed). These panels have an offset option where you can control it. However, when you manually edit one of them, they become simple extrusions and not system panels anymore. That being said, with extrusions you won't have the offset option anymore. You have to edit them, go to the properties and change the extrusion start and end...

Andre Carvalho