View Full Version : How to constrain Horzontal lines to circle

2008-05-13, 04:04 PM
I'm trying to create a parametric round louver and am have trouble getting the lines to constrain to the circle so that when the size of the circle changes the length of the lines change as well. Are there any tips to accomplish this? or should I be looking at creating every size iteration as a seperate family?

2008-05-13, 04:22 PM
Are they an array group? If so then - no.

Are you making the louvers solid geometry? If that is the case, use a donut shaped void to trim the louver blades.

Are you just after lines on a flat surface? Then don't draw lines. Use a material that has a "louver" pattern on the surface to generate the lines.

2008-05-13, 05:38 PM
I'd like to just solid geometry. but I don't think voids play well with varying arrays either. Looks like my only option is is the material route. Thanks

2008-05-13, 06:59 PM
What you need to do is build a very big set of louver blades. Don't worry about arraying individual blades. Just make it as one object with several shapes. Either a sweep or extrude will do. Build is as big as you expect the largest size for this family. The void will remove the extra geometry to fit in the shape. The only limit is that the blades will be a fixed size...

Other games can be played to move the position of the louvers up and down.

See attached.

2008-05-13, 07:01 PM
I agree, go with the void method. Also consider putting your louvers in their own family and then nest it into the frame family. Then just link a circle radius parameter so they will get cut at the same size as the frame.