View Full Version : Revit / 3DS

2008-05-15, 04:58 AM
Hi All,

Can anyone inform me about using a Revit model in 3DS Max.
Is the model actually linked and thus updating dynamically in Max when the model is worked on in Revit or is it a static model, needing to be deleted and re-imported after each update?

2008-05-15, 07:32 AM
Two ways to do Revit ->Max
1. Export DWG and use file link.
2. Export FBX and import to Max.... This has to be re-imported every time.

I choose no1 method.

Paul Monsef
2008-05-16, 03:27 PM
Hi All,

Can anyone inform me about using a Revit model in 3DS Max.
Is the model actually linked and thus updating dynamically in Max when the model is worked on in Revit or is it a static model, needing to be deleted and re-imported after each update?
Using the FBX route it's a static file that would need to be updated if the FBX file is ever updated. Using the DWG method you can say the geometry is automatically updated and you still need to export from Revit.

I use FBX files because i find there is less tweaking to do in MAX. The proMaterials come across almost flawlessly, and if i need better controls I can update that to an Arch&Design material.

(1) On larger projects I use the Xref Scene option in max to put my scenes together. It takes 15 seconds to delete the model, and re-import the FBX file which is automatically updated in the main MAX scene.
(2) On smaller projects with only one camera view I just group the FBX imported model. When i need to update, select the model & right click to 'Hide all Unselected', delete, re-import & group.

cliff collins
2008-05-16, 04:26 PM
And--before saving Max file, make sure to check "Compress on save" in Max preferences!!

Files size reduction is a great thing.......
