View Full Version : "EQ" Dimension at the ends of a String

2008-05-15, 03:14 PM
Is there any way possible to make the first and last dimensions in a dimension string to display "EQ" even when they are not? Please see attached PDF.

I'm trying to get the 3'-1" and teh 2'-11 3/4" dimensions to just say "EQ".

Can anyone please help??????



2008-05-15, 03:36 PM
are you using 2009? i guess not as that will let you overide the dimension value with text.

if 2008 i think you have to put text over it

2008-05-15, 03:38 PM
We are still using 2008. We have 2009 sitting in the box, but haven't installed for fear of corrupting the model upgrading the version.

2008-05-15, 03:45 PM
or just move the elements you are dimensioning so that the measurements are actually equal instead of trying to break the system...

2008-05-15, 04:30 PM
If you make the two ends equal (manually) then you can right click on the dim and toggle the eq dim on. Now the dim will read EQ/#/EQ, see attached. This was available in 08, don't know about previous versions.


Scott Womack
2008-05-15, 04:33 PM
I have never been able to get the end strings to say equal, if the middle string of the three is different. As previously stated, in 2009, this ceases to be an issue, but in 2008, the work-a-round is painful. You have to do it in three separqate dimension strings, with the outside strings having the text set to 1/256" and a light gray. Then you can place a piece of text overtop that says EQ. (Not pretty, or fun)

Also, depending upon what you are "fudging" it may came back to haunt you at some othe point in the model documentation process.

Dean Camlin
2008-05-15, 06:29 PM
If you make the two ends equal (manually) then you can right click on the dim and toggle the eq dim on. Now the dim will read EQ/#/EQ, see attached. This was available in 08, don't know about previous versions.


Thanks, Nick! I had never seen that "EQ Display" toggle in the context menu. I learned something new today. . . .

2011-11-05, 08:33 PM
Just came across this thread - THANKS! I have always wondered how to do this.