View Full Version : Using VB.NET to Pick the Active Viewport

2008-05-14, 08:07 PM
Could you help me with a quick question please...!!!

How in the name of all that's holy and good can I use VB.NET to select the one and only viewport in my freshly inserted layout?

Been trying once again for DAYS...mixed minimal results, no real luck.

Dim vport
Dim vportCounter = 0

For Each vport In objAcad.ActiveDocument.Viewports
vportCounter = vportCounter + 1

objAcad.ActiveDocument.ActiveViewport = objAcad.ActiveDocument.Viewports.Item(vportCounter - 1) '...THIS DOES NOT WORK!

objAcad.ActiveDocument.SendCommand("zoom extents ") '...THIS WORKS!!!

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