View Full Version : Line bleeding in 'hidden line'

2008-05-16, 09:25 PM
I've tried to search for this but couldn't find anything in the forum. In 3D view, with hidden lines or shaded view activated, lines bleed around edges, or when a surface is behind another but very close. Attached is an example. I've tried disabling 3d acceleration, and restarting/rebooting. The more i work with the model, the worse it gets, until I restart. The main problem is that the bleeding also appears when plotting. On the attached image I've marked in red the bleeding in the slab edge and the chamfer of the precast concrete panel, that is visible behind the window sill, but its everywhere. It has happened with other projects too. I'ts usually worse than what you see in this image. Thanks in advanced.

Andre Carvalho
2008-05-17, 02:45 AM
Check if your graphic card drivers are updated with the latest ones. Then play with the OpenGL option.

Andre Carvalho

2008-05-17, 05:37 PM
I've got the latest drivers and played with the openGL option. The thing is, "shade" only (without the lines) looks perfect, it breaks when it overlays the lines, that seem to be (i may be wrong) not hardware accelerated.
The same bleeding happened to me with a different project on a different computer, i don't know if it's important, but both projects been worked and saved at least once on the same computer.

I've used another software, Rhinoceros 3d, that does something similar. It draws the wireframe on front of the openGL-shaded surfaces, it has to draw it a bit on front (toward sthe camera) of the surfaces so it's always on top, but similar bleeding happens. Nevertheless, theres a test command to reduce this bleeding by pushing the wireframe backwards. I thought revit used something less of a hack until this problem started. Maybe theres some way to fix this, like in Rhino.

2008-05-19, 12:31 AM
I've figured a workaround for now. The axonometric i wanted to plot was a duplicate of the default {3d} view. I deleted the {3d} view and created a new one with the 3d button. The lines don't bleed anymore. The downside is that i have to reposition the camera and adjust settings of the new 3d view all again, but it's not much trouble if it's not happening constantly.