View Full Version : Walls sweeps at roof intersection

2008-05-17, 08:42 PM
Hi all,

I have created a profile to use for a wall sweep. It is for a shingle style (sort of) type of house detail. In the case of our design, the sweep inevitably intersects with the rake of our roof. (see picture)

My question is how can I control the end conditions of the sweep. Ideally, the sweep would either join (like roof joins do), or have a chamfer setting of some type to allow me to control different angles for the profile at the ends.

Is there a way to do this using host wall sweeps?

I suppose if it were for an in-place family, I could use voids to cut off the overlapping volumes, but I am trying to avoid using them, currently.

Andre Carvalho
2008-05-18, 01:38 AM
I don't think you can do that with wall sweeps.

What you can do is to create a new family (line based) and draw an extrusion (with the profile you want) and lock it to the left and right reference planes from the line based family. Then using reference lines with one end locked to the left plane, you can add and angle parameter (that will match the roof angle). Then create a void that is locked to the reference line (and therefore will change its shape if the angle parameter changes). The void will then cut the profile. Do the same procedures to the right side.

Once this family is loaded into your project, you can go to any elevation view, pick the first point and the second point and your profile will be drawn. Then just set the angle parameter to match the roof angle and that's it.

See the attached RVT file I created to give you an example of how to deal with your issue.

Andre Carvalho

2008-05-18, 04:33 AM
Thanks Andre, that is a very helpful explanation. I skipped Revit 9, going from 8 to 2008, so I still haven't made much use of the line based families. But, I can already think of other things to model this way.

I will give it a try, thanks.