View Full Version : Combining Plan Views

2008-05-19, 01:23 PM
I am creating a remodeling plan and I need to show all of the electrical items together on one plan. Currently, my lighting items are in the reflective ceiling plan. Is there a way to show both electrical and lighting on one plan? I have tried to underlay the reflective ceiling plan with no success. I have also tried copying the light fixtures using ctrl-c and ctrl-v from the reflective ceiling plan to the electrical plan. When I tried just manually placing the lighting fixtures in the electrical plan, they would not appear in the view because they are a ceiling entity. I adjusted the view range to well over the elevation of the walls to see if I could get them to show up that way and that did not work either. Is there a process I can use to combine these two plans?

Scott Womack
2008-05-19, 01:30 PM
I am creating a remodeling plan and I need to show all of the electrical items together on one plan. Currently, my lighting items are in the reflective ceiling plan. Is there a way to show both electrical and lighting on one plan? I have tried to underlay the reflective ceiling plan with no success. I have also tried copying the light fixtures using ctrl-c and ctrl-v from the reflective ceiling plan to the electrical plan. When I tried just manually placing the lighting fixtures in the electrical plan, they would not appear in the view because they are a ceiling entity. I adjusted the view range to well over the elevation of the walls to see if I could get them to show up that way and that did not work either. Is there a process I can use to combine these two plans?

The quick answer is no. A longer work around would be to edit the families, adding symbolic lines, insuring that you are on the Reference level plan. In addition, add a model invisible line, straight up and down, to at least 7'-9" above the reference plane. In this fassion it insures that the floor plan representation will actually "cut" the family itself, and the symbolic lines will appear in plan.

2008-05-19, 01:56 PM
Thank you for your response. I was able to draw the symbolic lines as you suggested. When drawing the invisible line, I can't seem to find how to give it a Z value to be at a 7'-9" elevation. How do I give the line a Z value?

2008-05-19, 02:02 PM
Hey there,
I use multiple plans on top of each other. Although I don't do Electrical Drawing normally, I was working on my house and had to do my Engineer's drafting for once. I simply placed the Electrical Floor Plan (with all outlets, data/phone and cable) and then I put my Electrical RCP on top of it (without a Title).

I think this method works very well.
I use this technique a lot when making a presentation Floor Plan and I want to also show my Area Plan which has all of the area SF Tags and colored areas.

Good Luck

2008-05-19, 04:07 PM
Thank you for your response, Steve. My company is just starting out on our change over from ADT to Revit Architecture. As a matter of fact, the project I am currently working on is my first with Revit. If I understand your suggestion correctly, I need to go to the sheet and combine the 2 drawings there? I tried that and the drawings didn't combine they covered eachother like laying 2 pieces of paper over eachother. Can you explain more how you combined your drawings?
Ben Yentes

Scott Womack
2008-05-19, 04:19 PM
Thank you for your response. I was able to draw the symbolic lines as you suggested. When drawing the invisible line, I can't seem to find how to give it a Z value to be at a 7'-9" elevation. How do I give the line a Z value?

To draw this line, go to an elevation view inside of the family. Then draw what appears to be a vertical line in that elevational view.

Scott D Davis
2008-05-19, 05:08 PM
Can you explain more how you combined your drawings?

Views will snap to each other when placed onto a sheet. You may need to make one or the other wireframe so you can see through it. It's also important to consider the order in which they are placed on the sheet.

2008-05-19, 06:11 PM
Thank you everyone for your help!

2008-05-20, 02:58 PM
If I were overlaying 2 plans in order to show the lights in my floor plan, I would probably turn off everything in the ceiling plan except for light fixtures only, and then place that on top of the floor plan.