View Full Version : Solar Animation

2008-05-21, 08:02 AM
Hi All

Does anyone know how to increse the final out put time for a solar animation.

we have been playing with all of the settings and so far a single day animation when rendered only lasts around 1-2 seconds.

We have played with the frames/sec at all extremes but the same result occurs.

We would ultimately like the animation to last around 30sec.

Any ideas?

2008-05-21, 08:29 AM
Have you tried increasing the total number of frames?

2008-05-21, 08:53 AM
Actually I just had a look at it and it seems that the time interval in the advanced model graphics settings is the limiting factor for this - 15 minute intervals seems to be the shortest, which only gives something like 60 frames for a day from sunrise to sunset. (for today's date in the UK anyway) I can't see a custom setting for this yet though...

2008-05-21, 03:36 PM
unfortunately 15 minutes is as close as it goes, it really should be able to be custom set to anything you want. Depending on how bad you need it, you could do the solar study as jpgs, then do another one every 15 minutes but set the start time 5 minutes earlier, then another 5 minutes earlier, etc, and then composite them in a video editing program. Kind of a lot of work, but it would be possible. You would also have to crop out the counter since the frame numbers wouldn't be even close...

2008-05-22, 12:04 AM
Thanks for your input guys.

I was hoping I had missed a setting in Revit or something simple like that, but unfortunately you have confirmed my own thoughts.

Seems to be pointless, to have a single day solar stuy that only lasts around 2 seconds in time.
It is a shame as it is a very powerful tool and enables our clients to feel comfortable about their building. I think the range of still frames is the way to go for now. Might have to brush up on my premier skills!!!!

Is there any way to "turn off" the frame counter at all?

Thanks again.

2008-05-22, 12:12 AM
again, unfortunately there is not. if you have photoshop create an action to crop off the top 100 pixels or whatever to make it go away before compositing in premier...

2008-05-22, 08:16 AM
The slolwest you can get it will be using the export settings to make it play at 1 frame a second... so 60 frames will be 60 seconds... might be a bit of a bump between frames at that speed though!

I also think it would be very useful to be able to lose the text at the top. OR at least have some control over it's appearance. :?