View Full Version : Save As... / Open Dialog Box

2008-05-21, 01:47 PM
Hi All,

Does this happen to anyone else? (see attached)

On the left hand side of my Save As... or Open dialog box, revit gives us a pallet of shortcut links. Some are there by default (Desktop, My Computer, My Network Places... etc). Some our defined from our deployment. (Our file server is labeled as the W: Drive).

But look at the attached screen shot. There are literally 100's of W: Drive copies. Look at the vertical scroll grip thing (highlighted in yellow). There's like 10 pages of shortcuts all leading to the same place.

Yes, I can manually remove them one by one, but they always seem to come back, every time I browse to our server.

What gives? This can't be working as intended.

Any insight would be greatly appreciated.


2008-05-21, 02:15 PM
I have not seen this behavior before.

Have you taken a look at your revit.ini file to see if these duplicate entries exist there?

2008-05-21, 02:22 PM
I posted a few weeks ago about the same problem. I had several custom library locations assigned, just for the purpose of having those icons in the Open/Save dialog box. For some reason, only the button for our FTP site duplicated itself many times. Every time I opened or saved something, it seemed to add another duplicate of that button.

I removed the FTP site from the list of locations, and haven't had any problems since. The buttons for our server, our family library, etc. has not produced any duplicates as of yet.

2008-05-21, 03:44 PM
I've seen that kind of behavior in other applications if there are shortcuts in the root folder (W:)

2008-05-21, 04:12 PM
I too have had issues with the list defined in the Settings > Options dialog box. I've reverted to simply navigating to the appropriate library folder in the Open dialog box, and then right-click on the Places Bar and selecting Add Current Folder. That seems to work fine.

Dimitri Harvalias
2008-05-21, 04:17 PM
I've reverted to simply navigating to the appropriate library folder in the Open dialog box, and then right-click on the Places Bar and selecting Add Current Folder.

Ya see... that's why I read all these posts. I didn't know you could do that! :beer: Thanks Mark