View Full Version : Callout Matchline Overlap

2008-05-22, 02:27 PM
We have a large plan that has to be cut up by matchlines. When doing plan callouts in the composite plan they show up on both enlarged plans. The composite is not on a sheet, just a working overall plan.

However if I create a callout on one of the enlarged plans (right next to or on the matchline) it does not show up on both enlarged plans. This could prove confusing. How can I make the callouts I have already created in the enlarged plans show up on both?

To avoid confusion I am attaching pictures.

Thanks in advance for any help.

2008-05-22, 02:49 PM
I believe this is a bug. I filed a SR for this about a week ago and it was forwarded to the dev team so my guess is that this is not intended behavior.

We ended up using detail lines to fake it for a set that was going out. Not very BIM like ...

Be sure and file a SR so they realize that things like this are not isolated.


2008-05-22, 02:57 PM
Thanks. I was hoping there was a checkbox somewhere...

Fortunately I only have a few callouts done in this manner with minimal detailing. I will just copy paste to make it parametric.

2008-05-22, 03:03 PM
Also, there seems to be another bug related to this. Draw a callout in the composite plan then move the head to avoid other lines etc. Go to the enlarged plan and the head has not moved/updated.

Scott Womack
2008-05-22, 04:18 PM
Also, there seems to be another bug related to this. Draw a callout in the composite plan then move the head to avoid other lines etc. Go to the enlarged plan and the head has not moved/updated.

Personally, I see the head in different locations as an advantage. This way, if a callout spans the match line, the dimensioning will not be perfeft in both enlarged plans, so being able to move the head of the callout independantly is good, just like being able to change the location/length of a Section Mark head or tail

2008-05-22, 04:23 PM
True, just like a room tag is view specific.

2008-05-22, 06:24 PM
When you say "composite" plan, you're not referring to the overall parent plan of those individual dependent plans, are you?

2008-05-22, 08:23 PM
Yes, why?....

2008-05-27, 01:49 PM

FYI, the web address on your sig is incorrect.....just thought you would like to know.

2008-05-27, 03:49 PM
This is not only a 2009 problem. 2008 exhibits the same behavior when placing a callout in a dependent view at or near the match line.

Maybe nobody filed SR's on this with 2008 and so it didn't get fixed for 2009.

2008-05-28, 03:26 PM

FYI, the web address on your sig is incorrect.....just thought you would like to know.

Thanks, I guess I need to learn to spell.
I will fix it.