View Full Version : Wall join at Stacked Wall

2008-05-22, 09:56 PM
1.jpg shows two interior partitions joining a stacked wall on the left of the picture... 2.jpg shows the same interior partition type joining the same stacked wall at another spot on the plan, only this time they joined just fine. I've messed with this thing for a while now and can not figure out why it would join in one place and not another. You can really tell because i have wall wraps turned on (and no, turning them off doesn't fix it). What am i missing?

Andre Carvalho
2008-05-23, 01:41 PM
If you select the wall that doesn't want to join, right click on its blue dot, is is set to Allow Join?

Andre Carvalho

2008-05-23, 02:18 PM
This issue is being investigated: when stacked wall is attached to roof, there is missing cleanup of joined walls with bottom subwall(s) in some cases.
Try to use "join geometry" between subwall and interior wall in plan view to get cleanup.
Sorry for trouble.

2008-05-23, 02:45 PM
The weird thing is, if i adjust the cut plane, i find that the wall will join at the sub (lower0 wall in the stacked wall but not the upper wall in some areas, but in other areas it will join with the upper wall but not the lower one. If i could just get them to all join the same way i could adjust the cut plane accordingly, but... i can't...

Join geometry doesn't seem to work either... it will join the walls but not clean up the join so it really doesn't do me any good...

I can't do a plan region at those points either becuase the lower wall isn't made of the same exterior materials as the upper wall and vice versa...

I guess Edit Cut Profile could work but its annoying because i can never be sure where or when its going to work properly...

2008-05-23, 02:48 PM
Please post simplified model with join geometry not working. Check the tip when selecting subwall, it should report base wall type, not stacked wall.

2008-05-23, 04:07 PM
Ok... it appears that the problem does lie in the wall end wrapping... when i turn off end wraps I'm able (with some manipulation) to get the walls to clean up properly but this doesn't solve my problem (short of creating two wall types for the same wall, but what happens when i need it to touch a stacked wall AND wrap the open end?).

Try changing the cut plane on level 1 from 4' to 2' and watch how the walls on the west side of the model clean up and the walls on the north-east side of the model mess up.

Simple version of the model is attached...

Thanks for checking it out...

Andre Carvalho
2008-05-23, 04:51 PM
Since it is a stacked wall, you have the core centerline for the wall bellow and the core centerline for the wall above (the green dashed line). If you select your wall and drag its blue dots away from the stacked wall (do disconnect it) and then bring the blue dot to the first core centerline, it works fine.

See attached.

Andre Carvalho

2008-05-23, 05:32 PM
YES... that works... it didn't even cross my mind that there would be more than one centerline... i dragged it back into the wall hit tab a couple times and sure enough the other centerline popped up and the wall join cleaned up. That solves the issue of getting all of the walls to join in the same cut plane but they still don't join at both the bottom and top wall of the stacked wall... which i guess doesn't matter (unless for some reason you had multiple views of the same area at different cut planes)... Thanks Andre... I knew it had to be something i was missing...

2008-05-23, 07:10 PM
UPON FURTHER REVIEW... yes... the previous solution worked in the revit model that i submitted BUT the revit model i submitted did not have a roof in it. When i went back to the real model (complete with roof) i couldn't get the solution to work. So i remembered lev.lipkin's comment relating to the roof and checked to see if the interior wall was touching the roof. It was... it wasn't attached to the roof (because i hadn't done that yet) but the they were touching. I dropped the walls away from the roof and everything joined up properly. They also join up properly if i attached the interior walls to the roof... it was the interference that was causing the issue. It will be the first thing i look for from now on whenever i have an issue... that being said... it STILL only joins with one of the walls in the stacked wall, dependent upon which centerline you join to... as i said before... i don't know if this is even an issue, because you generally only need it to be right in one cut plane, but it still seems as though it should join at both sections of the wall... Thanks again for the help...