View Full Version : To Find an Old Thread on Type Catalogs

2004-09-13, 06:27 AM
A reviteer posted a thread some 2-3 weeks ago on aligning the text file with the family file. Mention was made that it was a good tip (and it was!!) and Iwanted to explore the suggestion for a new type cat; however I cannot find the thread. If any one knows where it is etc etc, would they let me know please?? :banghead:

2004-09-13, 07:18 AM
Is this the tip you were searching for ?

Chad and other interested parties....

I believe I have discovered a work-around for this problem.

Start a new project, load your family into the new project independant of your type catalog .txt file, edit properties of family type in the new project to include something in the "model" category. Save the family back out as an .rfa file to mate up with type catalog file location and name.

The family will now have "model" as a family type included with it.

Define: Model##other## in your type catalog file and it should load just fine.

This also works with Type Comments and Cost, but not with Type Mark for some reason.


2004-09-13, 09:49 AM
Thanks bee-gee, don't know how you find these old threads but you are right on target!!

2004-09-13, 10:03 AM
Sorry bee-gee, I am mistaken, it is not the one on closer inspection! I have read that thread previously.

Scot ( I think) made a reference to the thread being a great tip - especially from a very short experience user of Revit. The thread made reference to another (and simpler) method of producing type catalog by copying the family editor params into the text editer. I read it about 2 to 3 weeks ago - but I could not track the thread.

2004-09-13, 09:13 PM
Maybe its THIS THREAD (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=7408&page=3&pp=10&highlight=type)then -toward the end.