View Full Version : Shared Parameter for use with Planting Tag

2008-05-30, 07:28 AM
I have created a shared (Planting) parameter for use in Tree families. I want a text parameter; identity data; instance; used to label trees in survey of existing trees (part of site plan) which I have named "Tree Number - Survey". Currently, I plan to insert trees in existing phase, and individually label them based on survey info. Then I want to tag them, and have the tag display the tree number- survey parameter.

how can i get the tag to use the shared "planting" parameter? I do not seem to have ability to use shared families in tag family, but is it possible? If no, then what other ways of labeling trees on a plan (other than text notes) is there?

how can i use the tree schedule (OLE) from ACAD file for use with tree number parameter?


Scott Womack
2008-05-30, 10:59 AM
Have you set the Label within the Tag family to use the shared parameter? Have you added the Shared parameter to your project via the Project Parmaeters? Both have to be created as instance parameters. Using the tree schedule from Autocad is aklunky work-around. OLE the schedule into model space, then create a drafing view, and link the Autocad file into that view. The OLE linked schedule should then be visible in that view.

2008-05-30, 02:16 PM
Thanks Scott. I figured out the parameters and loading labels into families, too.

I created my own schedule, foregoing the OLE. I ended up using parameters to manually input for each instance. Then I created a schedule using those parameters (i.g. Type = Oak; Description = 6-8 Dia. Status= Removed; etc). It was time intensive, but once I got started I stuck to it. For now, it is the making of a good system (I think).