View Full Version : railings

2008-05-30, 04:06 PM
Here's the situation...

There is a flight of stairs that starts at the Main Floor Level, continues to the Upper Main Floor Level, and ends at the Balcony Level. The flight makes a u-turn at each level and and at a landing (one landing between each level...)...The stairs are enclosed by an outer-perimeter wall and divided by an inner-perimeter wall....The outer-perimeter railings turned out fine but, where the railing follows the inner-wall its difficult to make a smooth transition from one rail to the next...

Here are my questions...
It seems like a railing can only make one u-turn and then has to terminate, meaning that you have to start a new railing to continue up the stairs...is this accurate? If so, is creating a custom, curved baluster/post the solution for making the rails appear like one continuous rail?
The Tangent and Angle Joins make an awkward transition where the rail turns the corner...is this typical? Does it imply that there is an issue with the stairs or landing?

I have worked the baluster and rail properties, the Joins, the Landing Adjustment, and editing the railing "sketch-path," and have not found a satisfying solution.

That's what I'm working on. Any advice out there? Thanks. --------- Michael.

ps. the attachments are images to help illustrate the problems described in the email...the callouts indicate the problem areas and, in the section drawings, the inner-walls and the outer-perimeter railings are "hidden" for clarity.