View Full Version : Up/Down Tool in Steering Wheel too fast

Wes Macaulay
2008-06-04, 09:15 PM
I am learning to live (but not like) the new Steering Wheel and I'm finding that the Up/Down tool is way too fast -- so bad as to make it unusable.

Before I make a SR on the topic I figured I'd poll the users to see if they're noticing the same thing.

2008-06-04, 11:36 PM
The HUGE contrast between the Walk tool, where you have to push waaaaaaaaaayyyyyy forward, and the Up/Down where you really need to do it with great restraint feels very inconsistent. I've tried the steering wheel a few times in various projects, and pretty much abandoned it, in favor of moving the camera around in plan view. Too bad.

2008-06-05, 01:37 AM
Is there really any point in filing a SR on this? I mean, if they actually purposely put this total POS into Revit in the first place, why on earth would they care whether we think the up/down is too fast?

Before I make a SR on the topic I figured I'd poll the users to see if they're noticing the same thing.

Scott D Davis
2008-06-05, 02:29 AM
total POS into Revit

That means "positive" right? :lol:

Chad Smith
2008-06-05, 02:41 AM
I would prefer the CTRL Zoom method to be as fast as the S/W zoom, before slowing down the Up/Down speed.
Or has the CTRL Zoom been left slow on purpose to make the S/W funtion better than it actually is? :?

Wes Macaulay
2008-06-05, 05:36 AM
Is there really any point in filing a SR on this? I mean, if they actually purposely put this total POS into Revit in the first place, why on earth would they care whether we think the up/down is too fast?
I think there is a point. Enough people banging the drum about this -- it will get fixed. And it needs to be fixed. I can live with SW if they fix this. Otherwise, its usefulness is quite diminished.

2008-06-05, 01:19 PM
Personaly I think the whole control of the steeringwheel is annoying.

Many people know how to run around in a first person shooter. It's very intuitive. I do not understand why they have not used the same sort of controls.

I think many people know how to move in a tight space with their keyboard. My experience is that it's very tricky with the mouse up to the point that people simply get stuck.

2008-06-05, 02:28 PM
I haven't used RAC2009 enough to enter an opinion, tho what little I've done with the wheel has not been encouraging. However, I note that it is also on 3ds Max Design 2009, so the feature itself is not likely to go away. Let's hope for an improvement.

Scott D Davis
2008-06-05, 03:48 PM
I haven't used RAC2009 enough to enter an opinion, tho what little I've done with the wheel has not been encouraging. However, I note that it is also on 3ds Max Design 2009, so the feature itself is not likely to go away. Let's hope for an improvement.

It's in Design Review, Revit Platform, Max/Max Design, AutoCAD and all verticals (ACA, MEP, etc),Inventor, and some of the Alias products.

It's not going away....

2008-06-05, 06:00 PM
what little I've done with the wheel has not been encouraging.

Actually, I shouldn't have offered that. One thing I DID find out was that after I read some of the directions, the wheel worked better for :). I assume it gets some getting used to, as well.

2008-06-05, 06:03 PM
Yeah, I just with it were easier to walk around. The walk control is much too slow, and then Up/Down is much too fast.

I just wish we still had the option of moving the camera around in a 3D view using the Shift and Ctrl keys like we used to, in addition to the steering wheel.

Wes Macaulay
2008-06-06, 02:38 AM
As a workaround, we've been using Pan to move up and down -- that seems to work OK

2008-06-06, 03:40 AM
It's in Design Review, Revit Platform, Max/Max Design, AutoCAD and all verticals (ACA, MEP, etc),Inventor, and some of the Alias products.

It's not going away....

Yep, and it SUCKS in all of them. The fact that Autodesk put this joke in every product doesn't make it good, it just makes it a widely applied mistake. Maybe Autodesk could spend less time defending this thing and focus on something that actually fails to suck, like making the 3DConnection stuff work. Oh, and maybe a general graphics engine that is fast and stable and consistent, rather than the opposite of all those things. Hey, they even have one in Inventor they could borrow. ;)


2008-06-06, 11:42 AM
Yep, and it SUCKS in all of them. The fact that Autodesk put this joke in every product doesn't make it good, it just makes it a widely applied mistake. Maybe Autodesk could spend less time defending this thing and focus on something that actually fails to suck, like making the 3DConnection stuff work. Oh, and maybe a general graphics engine that is fast and stable and consistent, rather than the opposite of all those things. Hey, they even have one in Inventor they could borrow. ;)


Other than that, it's all good? :)