View Full Version : Workset Permission Changed without save

Dimitri Harvalias
2004-09-13, 09:37 PM
Strange behaviour in the Central file today. (or everyday, just unnoticed prior to today)
Central file opened by a team member. In order to make navigation/selection easier she changed workset permissions to 'make editable' for all worksets. Poked around a bit and exited Revit. No save dialog, relinquish, save to central dialog came up and the session closed.
When I tried to do something from my local file I was told permission was set to the other user and do I want to put in a request to release the workset.
Is this the way the central file in Revit is supposed to behave? Is changing permissions not considered a change in the file and if not why does the change stick once the file is closed?
Anyone else noticed this or have any comments?

2004-09-13, 11:35 PM
The behavior is as intended. When you make something editable the software must record that fact on disk immediately, to assure that no other user can change the same element. If it didn't do anything until you saved then by that time someone else might have changed the same element and you'd lose all your work. To prevent that, changes to permissions (editability) are recorded immediately, rather than waiting for a save.

Dimitri Harvalias
2004-09-14, 04:45 AM
Thanks Irwin. That makes sense when you put it that way. I'll be sure to pass on that nugget to others in the office.
The indivdual should have created a local file and been playing with that rather than the central file. That being said is this the only circumstance that would allow a 'change' without a save?

Wes Macaulay
2004-09-14, 04:57 AM
Yeah, when you open the worksets dialog box and change something Revit writes across the network to the central file. It also does this when you right click and borrow elements while you're working too.

I found that a fast network connection to the central file is imperative... I was trying to work wirelessly via 802.11b which is oh, five percent as fast as wired... I plugged back in pretty quick.

When you quit for the day make sure your people choose Close from the File menu -- this will cause Revit to automatically check the "Save Local after Saving to Central" checkbox.

If you don't quit this way, and you relinquished worksets or elements during the STC but did not STL, Revit may sign all those elements and worksets back to make sure that work is not orphaned in the local file, and to keep the status of workset/elements signed out in the local file synched with the central file, even though the local file is out of date.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong!