View Full Version : Revit Series 2 SP1

2004-09-13, 10:32 PM
Hi all,

Autodesk have released sp1 for Autocad 2005, for those with Revit Series the update link is http://usa.autodesk.com/adsk/servlet/ps/dl/item?siteID=123112&id=4598420&linkID=2475161

A list of bug fixes follows.


Summary of the Primary Issues Resolved by the Service Pack
Actions That No Longer Generate Fatal Errors
Closing a sheet without saving it after adding a view and saving the resource drawing.
Exiting the program with the Customize dialog box open.
Using SHADEMODE with XCLIP on and textures enabled.
Switching to model space viewport with UCSFOLLOW set to 1.
Navigating to certain DWF™ files in Windows Explorer.
Using HYPERLINK in certain drawings with the application window maximized.
General Issues
A layer filter can now have a name that starts with an accented character.
In the Options dialog box, Profiles tab, clicking Add to List no longer incorrectly removes backslashes in a UNC path.
In DWF files, hyperlink fields with SHX fonts no longer fail.
A hatch no longer bleeds when you change the hatch type.
Using the PEDIT Spline option with a 3D polyline no longer generates an error when you use AUDIT or RECOVER.
A problem that caused the program to sometimes lock up during startup after menu or toolbar changes has been fixed.
An issue that caused the screen menu to collapse under certain circumstances has been fixed.
Edges on Architectural Desktop objects and other custom objects are now displayed correctly when SHADEMODE is set to Gouraud or Flat shading with edges on.
The message “Unable to find the asmm80enures.dll” is no longer displayed when modeler dlls are being loaded on computers with mixed language environment.
Block Issues
Changing properties of block attributes in BATTMAN no longer makes unwanted changes to color.
Blocks with similar names are now displayed correctly in the QSELECT list.
Property fields in a block attribute now resolve correctly after INSERT.
Block attribute text that contains fields now mirrors correctly.
The Save Changes prompt is now correctly displayed after you use the Write Block dialog box.
Dimension Issues
Child dimension styles are sorted correctly in the Dimension Styles Manager.
Issues with directions and positions of arrowheads and text have been fixed.
Plotting Issues
The “Command still active” message is no longer displayed when you try to close a drawing after you have canceled a PLOT command that was started with a maximized viewport active.
The CALCOMP8.HDI driver, which plotted only to file, now plots normally.
HIDEPRECISION can now be set for background plots.
Performance Issues
The Layer dialog box and the Plot dialog box now open faster.
Performance is improved for use of ETRANSMIT for part of a large sheet set.
A slowing of performance when multiple users are editing a sheet set at the same time has been improved.
A problem that caused the program to use 99% of the system resources if you are using VBA applications and have the View toolbar open has been resolved.
Text Issues
Switching from one text style with a Big Font to another no longer causes the SHX font to change unexpectedly.
Typing over selected multiline text in the text editor no longer applies the color of the selected text to the new text.
Misalignment issues with Japanese text have been resolved.
Issues with inappropriate display of Czech, Latvian, and other language characters have been resolved.
VBA Issues
Side-by-side installation of AutoCAD 2004 and AutoCAD 2005 no longer causes errors in VBA scripts.
A REVCLOUD conflict with VBAIDE has been resolved.
Xref Issues
Certain xrefs whose relative paths did not resolve now resolve correctly.
Relative paths for certain xrefs no longer change when xrefs are loaded.

2004-09-13, 10:55 PM

Is this Service Pack only for Revit series or is it for
all ACAD2005 products?

2004-09-13, 11:00 PM

Is this Service Pack only for Revit series or is it for
all ACAD2005 products?

The link above is for the Revit Series flavour but there is a SP1 for all Autocad 2005 versions.
Here is the link for Autocad 2005.


2004-09-14, 12:15 AM
I saw this a couple days ago and installed it, but I found it interesting that none of the bug fixes mentions Revit. Since this is described as a Service pack for Revit, one would think that it would be mentioned somewhere in the documentation.

2004-09-14, 12:25 AM
Since this is described as a Service pack for Revit
Its not a service pack for Revit just Autocad.
"Revit Series" is a licence for Autocad 2005 and Revit 6, so the sp1 is just addressing the Autocad part of the package.
My guess is we'll have to wait for V7 to see anything for Revit, but of couse those who know aren't saying.


2004-09-14, 01:44 AM
From the Autodesk web site:

Service Pack 1 for AutoCAD® 2005, AutoCAD LT® 2005, and Autodesk® Revit® Series 2.0

Published date: 2004-09-02
ID: TS100118

Applies to:
AutoCAD® 2005
AutoCAD LT® 2005
Autodesk® Revit® 6

This is where I got the crazy idea that this service pack was intended for Revit.
