View Full Version : Demolition fills

2008-06-06, 06:17 PM
I've been trying to turn off fills for demolished walls, etc. . when showing existing, new, and demo. construction on plans. I want cutlines and outlines to be shown only. The white or hatch fill is shown over new and existing construction. I've tried phases/graphic overrides, but see no option for "nothing" just no override. Does this mean I have to have different wall types, roof types, etc. for all demolition objects vs. new/exist. ?


2008-06-06, 06:38 PM
This is a classic problem with Revit's demo phase - there's a number of previous threads on this if you do a bit of searching.

The best way I know of dealing with this is to make demo elements "transparent", either with an element graphics override or by using a filter.

Unfortunately, when they updated the phase graphic overrides feature in 2009, they didn't add a "transparent" checkbox... but I may be missing something.

2008-06-06, 06:40 PM
Under materials create a new material called 'Phase-Demo' (or what ever you like). Set the cut pattern to this demo material to none. The under Under Phases - Graphic overides set the metarial for the Demolition override to the Phase-Demo material'. This new material will override what ever fills are built into you wall.